Grumblings in the Hinterlands

Clearly it isn't and won't work, so what is next?

Crisis is next. Both the dems and repubs chose to "manage" the system by letting it collapse then then just dealing with it as best they/we can. Two and three years ago I would post at length as to how pubs needed to have a viable plan B. That thinking was pretty much rejected as most here are on the "let's make it all just go away" strategy. Crisis is what is next and who knows what that looks like.

Is it an different in the management of the fed, state, and local budgers. Nope. The "plan" has been to not put a plan in place. Just deal with it as best you can when it starts to collapse. Well, here we are.

And usually when we would have these discussions, someone would pipe up and say "well what's your solution, blah, blah, blah." Then I would huff and puff about how I liked the Washington State model and how the feds/repubs could modify that and keep things in the free market and subsidize a risk pool and round and round we would go. Mostly you get nowhere because everyone is thinking the court is going to make it all go away. Two years later and many, certainly here as well, are even more enthused about the prospects of the court making it all go away. Of course, for them "it" is Obamacare, not the underlying issues which are only getting worse.

Too late for all the Plan B's now. We will have Plan E or F which will be worse than what we had before and worse than the Canadian system AS FULLY DISCUSSED IF THE PUBS DID NOT PUT TOGETHER SOMETHING FOR THE PEOPLE TO MOVE TOWARD ALONG WITH MOVING AWAY FROM.
Soundly rejected.

What a mess.
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