Has Anyone Dealt with ROI

I received an email from this group and was going to can it like most I receive, but thought I would post part of it to get feed back.
Dear Agent,
Our company conducts Direct Marketing Campaigns for the Insurance and
Financial Industries. We’ve been receiving responses back from individuals
who have been stating they would like to be contacted by a local
specialist with more information on the different types of annuities
offered, and have taken an interest in seeking the guidance you can
provide to assist them in their request in being contacted for an
appointment. We specialize in direct mail surveys for the insurance and
financial needs of the community. We send product specific information in
reference to annuities (an informative survey questionnaire) by adapting
our survey, response tear-off included. However, those seniors that met a
set criteria in order to qualify and receive these questionnaires were the
ones we include as they have met the requirements for our target market,
they are our targeted audience to pin-point those that may benefit most
from an annuity.
Allen Calvert
Return On Investments Marketing
ROI Account Executive www.roimarketing.biz
I just got a cold call (went straight to voicemail because I was on a conference call with my boss) from a woman who said her name was Kendall Phillips from ROI Marketing. Said they had leads for people who want to increase their life insurance and CD holders who are interested in annuities.

I know nothing about them and came here to the forum searching for more info.

Hmmm I smell "former company under a new name". I could be wrong but it sounds like one of those cases. Wonder if its the javelin marketing outfit. Let us know how you make out with this company and if its actually legit.
And how many agents get those same leads? I also suspect same-company-different-name. Same company with old name would dredge up 100 leads and sell them to 1,000 agents. You do the math.

"If one more of you damn people call me about that survey I sent back..."
In theory they do a mailing and you can set appts for 100 leads. Their #s are 8 sales per 100! You pay a step up cost for the mailing (4.00 for 100) (2.00 for 500)
The mailer is bundled with other offers like computers, and other products. They set the criteria re: income assets and such.
I listened to their spiel and when I asked the question of who uses them and could I talk with them, the song and dance started..........
We can't for confidentiality reasons. I said give them my phone #
He can't he said. I said thanks but no thanks
I did purchase leads from ROI Marketing, but was skeptical so persuaded them to sell me 50. Big mistake.

On my first pass of calls here are the results:

5 disconnected
17 no's
11 voice mail messages left
17 ring-no answer (to be called back)
0 appointments

Interestingly, on one call the lady said "you just called me a few days ago." It turns out she's on a separate Experian phone list I bought a few months ago of 66-69 year olds which I had been calling.

So I checked the ROI list against my two-month old list and found that 8 names were essentially exact duplicates with ROI's list in exact order. Isn't that quite a coincidence?

I mean, how can 8 people get exactly the same "marketing billing stuffers" that ROI claims people send in, and be on a generic list as well?

So I went back to the "no" responses and called them back and asked if they had filled out or responded to a billing stuffer they may have received in the last two weeks or so. None of them said they responded to anything like that.

So I called and emailed customer service and the customer service director for replacements for the disconnected phone numbers (their policy), and questioned the source of ROIs list.

No one at ROI could explain how 8 people were duplicates of my Experian list, said they'd look into it and send me an entirely new list.

I never got the new list. Never.

Plus, I continue to get marketing calls from ROI with the of people who have responded "in my area." Basically its the same script as the original post asking me to buy their leads. I mention the issue to these "salespeople" and they say they'll open a "trouble-ticket and I'll get a response within 48 hours"

Never happened. No response, ever, despite repeated calls and emails.

Today I got another marketing call, told my story, got the same "trouble-ticket" response, so I said I've heard that before and will given them 48 hours after which I'll hit the internet.

The saleman said "take your best shot" and hung up on me.

ROI Marketing is essentially buying plain lists and reselling them for about $4 a name, claiming those names actually responded to one of their billing stuffers.

Its a scam.