Has anyone had an issue selling Medicare?

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I'm sure you're some of those rude negative arrogant agents.

Now your catching on. See, your just too nice of a person.

The rude ones among us are the ones that know how to work with seniors. You should try it.

What kind of dumb comment is that.

That's a good start. When working with some to influence a decision in your favor, always look ways to ask the about their dumb comments. :yes:

Sarcasm aside...

Your post if not intentional baiting, reveal 2 things about your character... your complete inability to understand your prospects and an unwillingness to listen to sound criticism.

Your market is not going to change for you, either you will do the changing needed to deal with your market... or you will fail.

You decide. :)
As we enter the 4th turn.............AARP Jen is still way out in front of the pack...... Yagents seems to have finally joined the race track (baffled).........while all the Baited Agents have been 3 lengths behind this entire race being dragged along chasing her tail.........................it's close folks.........................AND........... ..............................At the wire............Wasting My Fukn Time wins by a nose.
As we enter the 4th turn.............AARP Jen is still way out in front of the pack...... Yagents seems to have finally joined the race track (baffled).........while all the Baited Agents have been 3 lengths behind this entire race being dragged along chasing her tail.........................it's close folks.........................AND........... ..............................At the wire............Wasting My Fukn Time wins by a nose.

Your just one of those rude old farts. :skeptical:
I had another agent vent to me about some clients he dealt with. He sounded like he was going nuts. Yes it's just that many of the elderly have issues are impatient rude juvenile obnoxious arrogant. It's ok if people have Alzheimer's or issues like that but some of these people possess a narcissism that you cant imagine. One client accused me and another agent of lying to him so did another. He acted rude belligerent and was just delusional. One lady was angry at another agent just bc he was doing his job a certain way and told me if anyone talked to her that way she'd backhand them. She felt the agent was putting her down and she decided not to go with the plan bc of him. I'm pretty sure she was delusional or misinterpreting things. She told me I was respectful and nice. The other agent wasn't rude to her it's just how they do the job. These people some are angry bitter and delusional. These people are out of control really. Angry rude ballistic. It seems to be the norm when dealing with these people.

I also had a client who just talked over me talked over rudely talked over me then rejected me rudely and hung up. That's the norm too with these rude people. They treat people in the most horrible way possible. Arrogant narcissistic rude mean weird. Many are beyond crazy. Many of These people are mad it seems.

The older people hear and understand everything fine. They're not idiots in fact they seem more aware than most people. They just behave like immature rude juveniles rather than mature nice adults. And yes many are really rude. No I'm not the problem I'm nice and polite and several have complimented me for being courteous and respectful while they were behaving like jerks. Some even say "I'm not trying to be RUDE" but they are. They're more aware than the avg person and purposely act like childish jerks
If we are all so dumb and rude, please just go away. I am sure that you get a belly laugh each time someone responds to your latest "they are all so mean and rude to me" statement. Go get a burger and fries and find something else to do
If we are all so dumb and rude, please just go away. I am sure that you get a belly laugh each time someone responds to your latest "they are all so mean and rude to me" statement. Go get a burger and fries and find something else to do

So now your making comments on her weight... wow you guys are really ruthless!
Wow - What kind of dumb comment is that. I didn't make it in sales I was a top seller in most positions I had and am a genuinely nice person not a shady sales person trying to rip people off. I've had customers praise me for being their agent and talk about how other agents treat people like crap- I'm sure you're some of those rude negative arrogant agents.

Even a few seniors have complimented me for being polite and courteous while they said other agents were rude to them. Some of those customers were being rude themselves or difficult. The rude older people or demographic of older people out there seem to not appreciate kind people. And yes they are rude no they don't just sit there and agree that's your experience.

list of 10 for you to start/select from: 10 Effective Ways Intelligent People Deal With Rude People
Time to put an end to this thread that never should have been here in the first place.

"Jennifer" is a fake. No one is stupid and naive like "she" is. Okay, the joke is over.

So, if no one responds back, this thread will die. I hope I'm making the last comment in this thread.
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