Has anyone Tried B2C Insurance Leads?

You have too much time to post and blog or whatever, which I don't. I am surprised by your skepticism. My name is Robert, my last name starts with a C and I'm from Connecticut. Hilary IS a liar and a phony and I am sincere. I deal with a guy named Jason H and my first transaction has been successful. In life I try to be fair and do the right thing. The company is not a rip off and the leads are ok, IMO. Try to leave it at that.

Th skepticism comes from seeing countless people come on here and pretend to be a customer giving rave reviews, when they're actually promoting their own business. Sometimes they have a tag team. You phonies are easy to spot. I'll be the one to decide if I spend too much time posting on here. Just because I can spot a phony doesn't mean that I have too much time to spend here...weak defense B2C.:twitchy:
I'm going to have to agree with everyone else. The wire transfer alone is a huge red flag and it seems like you already know that the smart answer is "don't do it". Honestly, I think your best bet is to buy your leads from a reputable company or invest in either some education or professional administration of PPC advertising. If you get a good campaign strategy down, it might save you long term.
Hi There
I paid by cc. I click on resume when I'll be in my offfice, my phone rings and I have opportunities. They're not all good but enough are.