More and more people are trying to learn how to coupon these days. Everyone is trying to save some money. Why not have a Coupon Seminar that you host. You can find a coupon expert and pay her $100 to $200 to do it. Call it couponing 101 or something. You can record it and put it on your website. It may bring in traffic to your website and allow people to see your services also.
This will bring in a lot of people. Also at the end of the Seminar you can speak to everyone and advertise anything that you want to and also hand out something to every one. I'm seeing a lot of people on facebook talking about Couponing and now it the time to get in the middle of the excitement.
This will bring in a lot of people. Also at the end of the Seminar you can speak to everyone and advertise anything that you want to and also hand out something to every one. I'm seeing a lot of people on facebook talking about Couponing and now it the time to get in the middle of the excitement.