Googly Moogly
- 79
If you study the euro plans- they have universal insurance provided by the government {sometimes administered through a health company} and the agents sell supplemental plans. As a matter of fact- the governments of these countries often state that the health companies are not to make a profit at all from health insurance- yet they may profit from supplemental plans. We are headed this way. Obama wishes to put health companies out of business. Hopefully he "allows" the sale and profit from supplemental plans- but he seems to think profits are evil.
I don't believe that Obama wants to put insurance out of business. He just wants the government to control them....and the insurnace companies want the subsidies. It is a win-win for both groups. The insurance companies can afford to take on pre-x conditions now that they have a premium collector who can collect at the point of a gun. Think about Medicare Advantage Plans. Insurance loves them....they accept anybody on Med A&B(except ESRD).