Health Care Reform's Effect on Supplemental Health Insurance?

If you study the euro plans- they have universal insurance provided by the government {sometimes administered through a health company} and the agents sell supplemental plans. As a matter of fact- the governments of these countries often state that the health companies are not to make a profit at all from health insurance- yet they may profit from supplemental plans. We are headed this way. Obama wishes to put health companies out of business. Hopefully he "allows" the sale and profit from supplemental plans- but he seems to think profits are evil.

I don't believe that Obama wants to put insurance out of business. He just wants the government to control them....and the insurnace companies want the subsidies. It is a win-win for both groups. The insurance companies can afford to take on pre-x conditions now that they have a premium collector who can collect at the point of a gun. Think about Medicare Advantage Plans. Insurance loves them....they accept anybody on Med A&B(except ESRD).
Don't kid yourself GM. The whole focus on these regulations and restriction on insurance companies to protect themselves from adverse selection is to make them get out of the business, thus triggering the need for a public option. If you think otherwise... you ain't thinking. The "public option" caused too much conflict so they removed it, but then put in measures that will creat a need for it down the road.

Look at Mass currently... look at Alabama in the late 90's when there was ONE health carrier that stayed in the state in light of excessive regulation. Within ONE month they all exited.
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Personally I believe the supplemental market will explode as well as other health insurance markets. One thing some of you are fogetting... this is America... we like to make money. We will find a way.
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IThink about Medicare Advantage Plans. Insurance loves them....they accept anybody on Med A&B(except ESRD).

Yeh right. Pass the kool-aid. If insurance companies love medicare advantage I am sure that it is win-win for them to have Obama be out there talking every day about killing them and cutting the subsidy to them. - or not. With friends like that who needs enemas.

I don't believe that Obama wants to put insurance out of business. He just wants the government to control them....and the insurnace companies want the subsidies. It is a win-win for both groups. The insurance companies can afford to take on pre-x conditions now that they have a premium collector who can collect at the point of a gun. Think about Medicare Advantage Plans. Insurance loves them....they accept anybody on Med A&B(except ESRD).
Obama demonizing the insurance companies at every turn- did not convince you? His takeover of banks and student loans and freddie and fannie and GM and AIG-did not convince you? He is a takeover artist. He is here to overthrow the entire America. He is a criminal, but that's another subject. Never trust him for anything- including collecting premiums. Trafficant spent 6-7 years in prison for doing what Obama does now.
Sure smaller carriers will go out of business. Bigger companies will find customers overseas....and enjoy the subsidies from the US Government.....much like other industries that enjoy huge government Defense Contractors.
Sure smaller carriers will go out of business. Bigger companies will find customers overseas....and enjoy the subsidies from the US Government.....much like other industries that enjoy huge government Defense Contractors.

Can you give us some examples of where "the bigger companies will find customers overseas.?"
Sure smaller carriers will go out of business. Bigger companies will find customers overseas....and enjoy the subsidies from the US Government.....much like other industries that enjoy huge government Defense Contractors.
this would all be lovely if money grew on trees. we are a broke nation. we do not even have money for the defense contractors- we print it and borrow it from China. our dept pile keeps growing. same with this healthcare fiasco- we have no money.
Dont worry HomeService, OUR taxes will double (or triple) prior to his loss for 2nd term. He will increase our taxes as he exits, HOW ELSE IS THE DEBT GOING TO GET PAID? Please answer this big government socialist democrate ass kissing lovers? Bring out the real answers!!! I dare you!
Dont worry HomeService, OUR taxes will double (or triple) prior to his loss for 2nd term. He will increase our taxes as he exits, HOW ELSE IS THE DEBT GOING TO GET PAID? Please answer this big government socialist democrate ass kissing lovers? Bring out the real answers!!! I dare you!

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....oh, have an abortion... bla bla bla... war freeks.. bla bla bla..... tea baggers.... bla bla bla bla ... there, i answered for them....