Health Leads for the Self Employed

You just covered the main reasons agents fail with internet leads:

1) Don't talk to enough people, ie; don't get enough leads.
2) Don't show up for work, ie; don't call the leads immediately
At $7.50 per lead it really doesn't matter what your closing percentage is.

Let's get absurd:

Close 1 out of 30
Total lead cost = $225
Average commish = $700
Net profit = $475

And if you're only closing 1 out of 30 leads it's time to hit the Sunday paper.
john_petrowski said:
At $7.50 per lead it really doesn't matter what your closing percentage is.

Let's get absurd:

Close 1 out of 30
Total lead cost = $225
Average commish = $700
Net profit = $475

And if you're only closing 1 out of 30 leads it's time to hit the Sunday paper.

John, I'm going to do much better than that, as we've discussed.

So far, out of the first 18 leads I've followed up on, here is the status:

1- wrote Med Supp + Supp D & Individual Health for Wife
1- have appointment on Saturday to go over options-Med Supp for Husband, Individual Health for Wife/Child
3- sent quotes yesterday
1- asked me to call back Monday to get info for quote
4- still trying to reach to follow up
1- sent me Census for Group plan (will not consider Individual plans)
7- Not interested

Of the 4 active quotes (including the appointment), 3 have no Insurance and I think I am the only one working with them-I expect to close on 2 (the 3rd one will have a 75% rate up at best, like we discussed yesterday). The fact that I am getting to the quote stage with over 40% of the leads is great because then I can use my strength (analyzing data and needs, then positioning a quote to maximize the chance to make the sale) to finalize a deal.

If I sound excited about this business today it's because I AM. This isn't rocket science, you just need to get the pipeline filled and follow up on a regular basis. I'm not saying this would or will work for everyone, but for those like me who hate competing with 4 other agents with prospects who may or may not have any money, working with small business owners eliminates almost all of those concerns.

I think you are right...the cost per lead is irrelevant. The name of the game is cost per acquisition. You have to factor what you bottom dollar cost is (close ratio, time, staff etc.) to determine if leads are expensive.

john_petrowski said:
At $7.50 per lead it really doesn't matter what your closing percentage is.

Let's get absurd:

Close 1 out of 30
Total lead cost = $225
Average commish = $700
Net profit = $475

And if you're only closing 1 out of 30 leads it's time to hit the Sunday paper.