Health Sherpa Stole my Commission/client

It is unclear how much time you have to actually make this change. once the application and plan selection has been transmitted to the carriers , it may not make a difference what is in
My client was nice enough to email me to thank me for all of my help and to inform me that she completed her application via the health sherpa link that I emailed her. Thank goodness she emailed me because I probably never would have known. Her application does not appear on my end.I called HS and they told me that they couldn't do anything. They told me to have her call and have her cancel her application then redo it. How unprofessional would they be of me???? How many times has this happened in the past that I'm unaware of??? I understand that something could have gone wrong, but I feel like they could have offered another resolution. Example: Give me one of their future clients/applications.... Anyway guys, please be careful.

When I exported my list of clients that I signed up through Healthsherpa I noticed the NPN was different on 5 of them with the name Healthsherpa next to it. I emailed them about the problem but they said they could not change it because it would cause the client to have a effective date of February . Then I got a phone call from one of their employees that stated I should send a change of agent form to all 5 clients. I said that is not acceptable because I was the one that signed them up originally. The next explantion was that I clicked on the button that said to give it over to them if I was not appointed with a particular carrier. I explained that I 'm appointed with all carriers within the states that I 'm working. I did click on the settings button as she suggested and noticed a couple were not checked but the ones that were not checked was not the problem It is one of the ones listed with Humana. I asked her what about the one with Humana it's obvious that button was checked and should not have your NPN listed next to that client , she still said nothing can be done on their side other than AOR change . I figure change it the same way they added their npn.
@cpa4pam We apologize for the issue - if you PM me a list of the apps, I can take a look at reassignment. We are generally able to do these quickly, but when it might affect the effective date for the consumer, we try to be more conservative.

@cpa4pam We apologize for the issue - if you PM me a list of the apps, I can take a look at reassignment. We are generally able to do these quickly, but when it might affect the effective date for the consumer, we try to be more conservative.

We are generally able to do these quickly, but when it might affect the effective date for the consumer

WTF are you talking about? Reassignment or Agent Of Record (AOR) forms don't require an effective date change.

I see what you're doing...SHADY IS AN Understatement.
TKruger - we will always sign AoR forms. We are only conservative with doing CiC agent changes on on the last day or two before a deadline for an effective date, otherwise we are happy to do those as well. If you let us know the specific cases, we will get it turned around quickly.