Help a newbie with NYL, NWM, Metlife

LGilmore- I saw a few plaques in her office so perhaps this had to do with her teams production not sure. While talking with another person in sales (pharm) today they mentioned that with the "economic times" now is going to be a VERY hard time to sell insurance...has this been your experience?

FLBrkr -Thanks for the information. I took the personality test yesterday they mentioned getting back to me in two days either way. However if I don't hear back by Thursday I will be calling them. What were the steps you took to become an independent broker? How did you go about getting training?

Thanks for the responses.

kaye, This is a ying and yang business... it just depends on how busy you keep yourself and how often you talk to people. For me, sales tend to come in bunches, I guess I fish with a big net, as when I start pulling it in, I have multiple life sales. For others it is one at a time, but still regular.

With life sales you'll start to find that winter is slow good or bad, spring is good, summer not so much and fall good, no matter the market.

Ya just keep working... If you can do that, things take care of themself.

As far as awards on the wall, Always look closely. Somethings aren't what they seem. You can also check industry listings like million dollar roundtable for names. If her crew is third, somebody's there...

you know, I honestly don't know if you should try independent first. You will learn the business best inhouse of a good office. I wouldn't have made it cold out of the box as an independent. What I learned in the first three years at nyl still helps me today.

Think that over a bit more. Also if this nyl office is that big, is there another "group" you could work with, or do you need to be part of a group? You still have some questions to ask.
As LGilmore said,

" You will learn the business best inhouse of a good office. I wouldn't have made it cold out of the box as an independent. What I learned in the first three years at nyl still helps me today."

I wish I would have gotten (truly understood) this info when I started. "Inhouse of a GOOD OFFICE." Being the key statement for me. Finding may be a more difficult task.

My experience at NYL was the same, as far as the training. I learned more the first week with them, than all my time at MetLife. My MetLife office had no training, except for the wholesalers pitching product specific info. Much better sales info on this forum.

I would recommend NYL for the training they provide. You will get a lot from it, and learn new concepts that will help you succeed in your career.

Do you like who your manager will be?
I did not like my NYL managers' style, as much as, I am sure he hated mine. Given my experience, I would highly recommend meeting with more than one manager with whichever company you go with. You should try to find someone who has an understanding of the way you will sell, and that can help you capitalize on your individual skills and personal experience when dealing with clients. This will help lead to your long term success within this company.
If the sales office wants you, I think they will let you see more than one manager to find the best match.

I left NYL, mainly because my manager and I could not really work together because of our personality differences. I learned more from the manager in the office next to my managers, than I did my own.

Good Luck to you,
As LGilmore said,

" You will learn the business best inhouse of a good office. I wouldn't have made it cold out of the box as an independent. What I learned in the first three years at nyl still helps me today."

I wish I would have gotten (truly understood) this info when I started. "Inhouse of a GOOD OFFICE." Being the key statement for me. Finding may be a more difficult task.

My experience at NYL was the same, as far as the training. I learned more the first week with them, than all my time at MetLife. My MetLife office had no training, except for the wholesalers pitching product specific info. Much better sales info on this forum.

I would recommend NYL for the training they provide. You will get a lot from it, and learn new concepts that will help you succeed in your career.

Do you like who your manager will be?
I did not like my NYL managers' style, as much as, I am sure he hated mine. Given my experience, I would highly recommend meeting with more than one manager with whichever company you go with. You should try to find someone who has an understanding of the way you will sell, and that can help you capitalize on your individual skills and personal experience when dealing with clients. This will help lead to your long term success within this company.
If the sales office wants you, I think they will let you see more than one manager to find the best match.

I left NYL, mainly because my manager and I could not really work together because of our personality differences. I learned more from the manager in the office next to my managers, than I did my own. Good Luck to you,

Good advice. The individual office and the manager and how good a fit it is for oneself is probably more important than the the company itself.
Interview follow up:

Had the interview with Metlife a few days ago. They were cordial the office was small but I did not do well on the Personality test so that stopped me in the tracks.

I did the same test with NYL I have not been knocked out of the process. I attended the compensation class this week and was signed up for their review class for the Life and Health Exam. From what I understand after the review course we have to take an internal practice exam were you have to score 70 or above before taking the State exam.

As far as Northwestern Mutual I have attempeted to reach out to them however they have not been very responsive. I plan to try another office on Monday.

Yeah, this seems to be matching with what I stated above ... gotta get by the personality test - some of those questions are quite weird .... it also amazes me how you can pass one company's test, but not another - they all seemed like the same questions to me.

I had the same experience with NW Mutual also ... never called me - even after I took their test (online by the way and they give you the score) and did well on it. Ironically, a recruiter called me from there two weeks later, but not re: the test - instead, she saw my Resume online - HA!.

I did not try anything with NY Life, but sounds like you are at least progressing with them.

Just get prepared for the 100 name game - you might as well prep all your friends and family ahead of time ... you may want to have a last get together and take some happy pictures prior to seeing them as an "agent".