- 4,132
Just a couple quick points. Having internet problems so I will keep this brief.
IF you don't understand a dividend paying whole life policy from a mutual company, please spare your comments. Professionally you look bad. You like you've never taken the time to learn about different products out there.
The advice here, given by several agents have been spot on. The few that have come on later trying to muddy the water sort of show their inexperience or lack of product understanding. These agents should stick to reading what has been posted and PM the more experienced agents to ask questions and learn something about a product they clearly don't understand.
IF you don't understand a dividend paying whole life policy from a mutual company, please spare your comments. Professionally you look bad. You like you've never taken the time to learn about different products out there.
The advice here, given by several agents have been spot on. The few that have come on later trying to muddy the water sort of show their inexperience or lack of product understanding. These agents should stick to reading what has been posted and PM the more experienced agents to ask questions and learn something about a product they clearly don't understand.