Here's an Interesting Website.....

I bet that's the guy who is real active on the Bogglehead Forum. I forget his name but there is a doctor on there that HATES whole-life, annuities and pretty much anyone who works on a commission.

I went on there for a short time and tried to educate them on Med Sups (they had tons of wrong info). Some of them really appreciated it but all they really want to know is where to buy them and cut out any commissioned insurance agent. As a group that forum is a collection of the worst people who would push their own mother in front of a bus if it saved them a nickel.

Their whole gig is that everyone should invest in VanGuard indexed funds and pretty much anything else is evil and won't work.
Yep, thats him on bogleheads. I guess only doctors are entitled to get paid for their work. Interesting to note that John Bogle is predicting that the market will decline by 50% at least twice in the next 10 years. They may wish they had some of that terrible WL and UL if that happens.

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