HHS Seeks Extension Beyond 12/23 for Jan 1st Coverage, And...


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wants carriers to allow payments to be received up to January 5th for January 1st Coverage. When it comes to treatment of the American people, our elected leaders are not much different from North Korean leader (Kim Jong Un) who executed his own Uncle today, without batting an eye.

Story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/12/12/government-announces-plan-for-those-who-cant-enroll/4001363/

The way ObamaCare is unfolding, with doctors/hospitals dropping out, premiums soaring, deductibles increasing and Prescription Costs skyrocketing, we'll soon be reading about the first person to "snap" and attack HHS, Congress, or some other governmental headquarters...to be followed by many others.
Is this woman out of her mind? I know the answer. Why don't we just extend a deadline as follows: If you write them up until March 31 the insurance company has to make them retroactive back to Jan 1. Damn she needs to be terminated. I hope the insurance company's tell her no, but they probably won't.

To avoid those issues, the HHS has:
•Asked insurers to allow people to use out-of-network providers if the provider was listed as in-network when a consumer signed up for insurance.

To avoid those issues, the HHS has:
•Asked insurers to allow people to use out-of-network providers if the provider was listed as in-network when a consumer signed up for insurance.

Why would people pay for more expensive plans with bigger networks if they can pay for cheaper plans & still use the bigger networks.
What the ????? Allen- I actually read through the 8th of January. It doesn't really matter because it will change again I am sure.

I have a thought. Correct the fact that all kids are being told to enroll in Medicaid or Chip. Correct the fact that one person on Medicare but no one else in household has income the Medicare income goes away for the entire household. Correct the fact that grandchildren on a app won't go through, Correct all the glitches, and errors and maybe,,,, just maybe more people would be signed up by this time.

Do you think if I call Kathleen she will extend my tax return file date, or the date I need to pay my taxes??? I am having computer problems. What's a couple of extra weeks... Oh that's right we have LAWS...

Follow the law and stop changing things to make it look like the enrollment is where they want it. An extra week after the HOLIDAYS is not going to make people pay their first payment or get enrolled. Especially when the main reason they are not enrolled is that they CAN'T.

Really??? Really?? Keep your prescriptions, keep your doctors out of network, just make up your own rules and plans. The plans that the gov'ment wanted and that were approved... What a bunch of ................

Put all kids under age 26 on Medicaid or CHIP. Period. Then we can take out benefits for children on the plans. Which will then lower the premiums. Done.
correction: should lower the premiums.

What a joke.
Regarding this interim final rule directed at insurers and issued on 12/12/2013:

And a bulleted summary of the Rule:

The document says that this Interim Rule becomes a Final Rule 3 days from now, on December 15th, yet the comment period runs until December 23rd. What good are comments that arrive after this rule has already gone into effect? I think this dating scheme might be illegal.
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It has already been made clear that those who wrote the law, passed the law, and are enforcing the law have no idea how insurance works.

...OR they are aware of what they are doing and want to destroy the industry which leads to true government healthcare.
It has already been made clear that those who wrote the law, passed the law, and are enforcing the law have no idea how insurance works.

...OR they are aware of what they are doing and want to destroy the industry which leads to true government healthcare.

I'd wager it's the latter rather than the former. After all this time, they must understand how the insurance market works. They know full well what they're doing, and they're doing it in the sneakiest, most backhanded way possible, implying not only a working knowledge, but an intimate knowledge of the interplay within the market.

These aren't dumb mistakes and oversight. These people are smarter than we give them credit.
As Ann pointed out in a thread yesterday, only some companies are allowing 12/23/2013 enrollment extension for a 1/1/2014 effective date, and some are only allowing the 12/23/2013 enrollment extension for OFF EXCHANGE purchases.

From AETNA today:

"To align with President Obama's recent announcement that would give people an additional eight days to sign up on-exchange for health insurance coverage, we have extended the deadline to submit an application for an off-exchange plan to December 2311:59 p.m. ET. This applies to new business for Aetna Health Insurance Plans for Individuals, Families and the Self-Employed and Coventry (an Aetna company) Individual Plans. "

Obama Administration asked for On and Off Exchange extensions, but Aetna laughed and said we'll give you off-exchange only. Take it or leave it. Aetna president Mark Bertolini's got bawlz. No wonder he never shows up, or is invited to the White House brown-nosing sessions.


It looks like HHS is adding content to the rule as we get closer to its 12/15 effective date. This one takes the cake...

""HHS is also asking insurers to cover individuals who offer a "down payment," even if that payment only covers part of the first month's premium.""

Source: Blog: HHS goes lawless, flailing around as Obamacare deadline looms

Pay $10, get your surgery, cancel the plan! :err: With the mounting number of uncertainties being piled on insurers by HHS, we very well might not see any commission payments before April.
Wait a minute.. what about the person who has an off exchange plan.
Can I pay a portion or "down payment and get full coverage?

Hey, Blue it's me, uhh I just wanna give you $20 down for that $300.00 premium. I swear, I'll have the balance in two maybe three weeks. Are you good with that? ha ha ha

Can I have a 60 or 90 day non cancellation period, with my OFF exchange plan?

If we are going to play... then we should play fair to everyone. I feel as though I am being punished for being a responsible person. What breaks are being given to OFF exchange business??
Can I go to out of network Doctors?
Step up and pay for the more expensive networks.
Here in Tennessee (Nashville area) I have yet to run across one doctor that is in the E network. I explain that their Doctor is taking the S or P. Every person has stepped up and chosen the network that their doctors are in.
Who or How do they plan to track "acute" patients that want to pay for a bronze but visit their 10 doctors out of network. They can't even keep track of MY lousy commission.

Are we extending the deadline for OFF exchange business as well? Why not?

Fair is fair.. oh that's right, we don't care if folks get insurance, we only care if folks get insurance ON the exchange.
