HHS wants to med supps gaurenteed Issue

I work some in Massachusetts where MedSup is always GI. Rates at entry are higher than my main market in RI and the discount period is only 3 years. But, for someone in their mid 70’s and up rates are comparable. There’s some talk that Rhode Island may go GI, I hope they do, it’s so much more consumer friendly.
Do all these GI states pay full commission? New York , Kentucky , California?
Do all these GI states pay full commission? New York , Kentucky , California?

Ny is year round open enrollment, it is community priced, and BC and AARP has paid something like $240 give or take annual per policy

BC has stopped selling,

I did do a Humana not sure what i was paid of the top of my head, but nothing much different

Really no one else is completive

Actually I am going to look for a contract with Globe after AEP and Emblem does not pay commissions are competitive

but mutual and others are over $100 above the pack

As far as KY generally do MA in KY but have only a little buis there, MO has differences between each carrier, I need to learn more, I think I have got 11% on the few I have

But for the most part I do underwritten there
Agents that are uncomfortable with underwriting are frightened by the unknown. This applies to both health and life insurance.

When the agent understands how underwriting produces a "cleaner" block over the long haul, and how it can contribute to lower renewals, they become more useful to prospects and clients.

Underwriting rules and procedures have become more challenging in my state over the last few years, resulting in placing fewer underwritten cases.

But it also affords some leverage when talking with T65 prospects. Often their attitude changes when they learn unfettered access to a Medigap plan often evaporates after 6 months on Part B.

Leaving Medigap in favor of an MA plan is easy . . . going the other way is not.

Wonder why?