High Court To Hear Challenge To Health Law Subsidies

Winter, that's exactly what I keep saying to anyone who will listen. Only a fool would kills thousands of people by stripping away their health insurance without having a viable alternative in place beforehand.

Apparently, some people in Congress are now wising up and will put the horse before the cart, where it should be. Senator's Rubio and Ryan are working to craft a replacement plan that both houses will pass. It's still in the early stages and won't be finalized until after the Supreme Court's APTC ruling in late Spring 2015. The S.C. ruling will enable the appropriate final pieces of the ObamaCare modification and/or replacement plan to be written.

The changes will be designed for implementation over time. Entire industries will need to adjust...just like they've been adjusting between March 23, 2010 and today.

Now were talkin...sensible....rational.....adult-like. I can dig this!
I'm one of those industries myself as many of you are too!
I hear you and you're right on all points. The point I was trying to make to AC was don't let your existing pre aca clients bog you down and put you in a negative frame of mind which will cost you new aca clients.


It is obvious that you are new to indy health, you have stated so. You are also not an impartial observer of how Obamacare was passed, how no one read the bill, Obama lied to everyone and now we all know that the administration was flat out deceptive to the American people cause we are to " stupid" to understand what is best for us.

You like this stuff cause all 98% of your clients are healthcare.gov applicants. Like Ann stated you probably have no clients that Obamacare has hurt. You do not even have any pre-aca clients.....

Your survival in this business depends on healthcare.gov and subsidized applicants.

After Obamacare is changed and called something else you will still be able to write health insurance on the poor and the uninsurable, if that is your market than fine. I have no problem with that. I want everyone to have health insurance, and they should buy it from a honest , competant agent.

However, you really have no standing to disagree with anyone that speaks badly about Obamacare. You do not understand this healthcare legislation from the perspective of an agent who has 100's of pre-aca clients.
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It is obvious that you are new to indy health, you have stated so. You are also not an impartial observer of how Obamacare was passed, how no one read the bill, Obama lied to everyone and now we all know that the administration was flat out deceptive to the American people cause we are to " stupid" to understand what is best for us.

You like this stuff cause all 98% of your clients are healthcare.gov applicants. Like Ann stated you probably have no clients that Obamacare has hurt. You do not even have any pre-aca clients.....

Your survival in this business depends on healthcare.gov and subsidized applicants.

After Obamacare is changed and called something else you will still be able to write health insurance on the poor and the uninsurable, if that is your market than fine. I have no problem with that. I want everyone to have health insurance, and they should buy it from a honest , competant agent.

However, you really have no standing to disagree with anyone that speaks badly about Obamacare. You do not understand this healthcare legislation from the perspective of an agent who has 100's of pre-aca clients.

You have your problems and I have mine. I will take mine over yours any day of the week.

You have your problems and I have mine. I will take mine over yours any day of the week.


Your clients really do not need you, what you offer them they can get from a navigator. You offered no value to consumers pre-aca because it was to hard to write people cause of U/W and high premiums !!!

My clients need me more than ever to help them navigate Obamacare.

I and many other agents on this forum have likely forgotten more about this business than you know at this time.

For and insurance agent to openly state " Long Live Obamacare" is analogous to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. You are a Obamacare agent ONLY !!!

You can and will continue to voice your opinion on this forum, to bad your 3200 post do not equate to Health Insurance experience. Within 24 months from now you will be in another line of work.
your clients really do not need you, what you offer them they can get from a navigator. You offered no value to consumers pre-aca because it was to hard to write people cause of u/w and high premiums !!!

My clients need me more than ever to help them navigate obamacare.

I and many other agents on this forum have likely forgotten more about this business than you know at this time.

For and insurance agent to openly state " long live obamacare" is analogous to a chicken voting for colonel sanders. You are a obamacare agent only !!!

You can and will continue to voice your opinion on this forum, to bad your 3200 post do not equate to health insurance experience. Within 24 months from now you will be in another line of work.

obamacare is here to stay keep calm and rock on!!!
Only a fool would kills thousands of people by stripping away their health insurance without having a viable alternative in place beforehand.

You can always grandfather existing plans. I believe that has been tried before.

And yes, the Republicans do need an alternative.

FWIW they have had alternatives that never saw the light of day. Most got lost when Pelosi was running the House. Here is one proposed by Dr Tom Price

And here are others.
obamacare is here to stay keep calm and rock on!!!

Hillary hates insurance commissions and agents with a passion and she is not going to be promoting Obamacare. You think she is going to be running on a platform of "gee, I had hoped to be the one who brought a good plan to this country but we are all set now because Obamacare is here to stay so just rock on."

Good luck wit dat. She is pretty much irrelevent now in many ways but that only means she will be trying harder to distinquish herself from the pack. There is no one now - not even the republicans- who will be running harder than Hillary on a platform of how to change Obamacare. She still wants her legacy to show her as the one who brought after a national health plan to America after so many had failed. And Hillary will appear as a moderate after Obama and with Socialist Bernie Sanders running in the primary. You think Bernie has been having all those Denmark Health government officials coming to Vermont in a steady stream just to show him how to smoke herring?

I am not one who thinks Hillary is a shoo-in this time or last time. I do think she has a plan, has always had a plan and having a plan is a powerful thing to have when no one people are going in circles and have been for years. I just read in a post up above that the republicans are planning to have one off in the spring of 2015. That leaves me completely flaccid. We have been at this for years and are still talking about the republicans having a plan to have a plan.
Gotta get your fingers our of your arse at some point and make your move. Timing will never be better than now. As in RIGHT NOW. Rather than guessing whether Jeb or Rubio are going to run and maybe one of them might have a plan.
I mean it is okay for us forum types to do some pontificating over coffee, no problem with that. Just saying that we pretty much have that base covered here, so congress is freed up to do real work. In theory.