
Read everything carefully, all the way through, before taking ANY action.

Ask if your agent is licensed in your state. Check with the DOI to confirm.

Ask if the carrier is licensed in your state. Check with the DOI to confirm.

Here is a goody that no one ever does. Ask your doctor if they are in the network.

Ask for a written proposal before buying anything.

Ask about potential underwriting effects on your final rate & terms.

You do not need to give out a credit card number or SS# to anyone until you have read the proposal, asked questions about the coverage, have completed your due diligence and are ready to buy.

I go through all of those, so I find it comforting to see I am on the right track.
something is wrong because for some reason it shows my thread last but it says that salpro has one after me. Am I going crazy!!! no responses after me on pg. 3 WHAT GIVES !!!!
It came down in price because demand increased to the point of allowing the docs performing the procedure to cover their costs over many patients rather than a handful.

When something is new, and unproven, the cost is quite high. Once the procedure caught on, more patients mean more sales volume, which allows other docs to get into the picture and undercut their competition.

This is nothing more than basic economics in a free market society.

Yea unless you look at procedures that are generally covered by Insurance and performed at Hospitals. If I go in and have a Stint put in is the cost higher now or a few years ago? I mean just how many of these procedures are performed every year? Quite a few! Fact is competitive price controlled is not found in most medical procedures unless Insurance and Hospitals are taken out of the loop such as the Lasik Procedure.

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