HMO' can I?

I guess it depends on how good their network of doctors are....
You might want to bore them to tears explaining the difference between a HMO/POS and a PPO.... the answer isn't in the plan design... nor is the difference a gatekeeper.

There is a huge difference in MANAGED CARE (HMO) and simple discounts obtained through a network of providers (PPO)

We've blended these two worlds together so successfully that I actually fought with the Georgia Insurance Commissioner.... convincing him that DOI language that seperarated HMO's and Indemnity plans from each other were now so interchangeable that an HMO was now considered an insurance comapny and should entitled to launch a PPO platform or indemnity platform product if it chose to do so.... after 18 months of arguing, they conceded.....

........ that and $3.10 will get you a venti coffee at Starbucks......

The point is that there is a much bigger misconception about the differences that you might even be aware..... but frankly... .most people make PRICE the ulitmate consideration and a lot of what you'll say will go in one ear...out the other.......

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