At (usually) charity golf events, certain holes will have prizes for specific feats such as longest drive, closest to the pin, longest putt, etc. If they can advertise a free car or someting for a hole in one, it gets some attention. Odds are pretty long because the insurer will require longer distance, more difficult pin placement or whatever (in my case, I'm a hack and like to drink beer but I always pay for the chance) and usually have someone on site to verify. The company charges a premium to a bunch of tournaments to cover the cost if someone does actually hit a hole in one. X number of premiums that don't result in a hole in one pay for the one that rarely does.
i couldnt find hole in one with phly or is there another Philadelphia ins?
i also checked the above link to hole in one, it looks like a website for the client to goto and there is no need for an agent?
Hole in One is like an insurance to protect in case of a contest payout... or something like that lol. But its sounds like an insurance incase someone wins the contest....
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i take it back, phly does have it under their valley forge brokerage. thank you sensei lol
I looked at a few hole in one company sites, the one RBA mentioned was the only one I saw that said anything about agents, or becoming an agent. I have seen some agency websites that have Hole In One International listed as one of their carriers. but unless I'm overlooking it, not a word on HIOI's site about agents.
just curious, if an agent sold hole in one insurance, who would their main market be? the hosts themselves or the companies sponsoring the prizes? (having a degree in sports management, I feel like I'm asking a dumb question. But I'm not sure who burdens the risk)
quick funny story: me and a high school buddy went for a late round of golf when we were 16 years old... not knowing an event had been going on that day, we had to wait an hour before the course re-opened to the public. Turns out that about every other hole had a free help-yourself keg of draft beer, and someone was very late removing the kegs after the event concluded. (you know where this is going!) needless to say we sure could have jacked up this course's liquor liability rates that evening! lol
yeah apparently they are with PHLY, i thought they were separate company, but anyways the hole in one they offer looks boring lol. nonetheless they utilize agents. The other ones is direct to retail i think.
But they got prizes like a car or cruises.
Thanks guys, i seems like im all over the board with writing business though.
My name is Kristen Hansen; I work for Hole In One International. I spent 3 years as a Contest Consultant for them and am now their Social Media Marketing Assistant.
I saw your thread here and just wanted to mention that our company DOES work with Insurance Agents. When you purchase a hole in one policy through us, all licensed insurance agents receive a 10% commission.
Please note that we will also match or beat any written quote from another hole in one insurance company, so long as they are underwritten.
If any of you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me by email at [email protected].