Home Owner Insurance with Several Owners

thanks for the reply. I have offered to buy them out, but they refuse, i suggested selling and they refuse, i suggested leasing it out and we split the proceeds and they refuse. My sister basically told me that i am not one of them so i will not benefit either way from the house. The house is in the rural country town of Louisiana and it sits on 125 acres of land in. It wasn't a good investment for my father to build but my mom wanted to retire on a farm, so its wasn't meant to have a resale vaue. There is no housing market in this town, and for the appraisal of the land no one that could could afford it would buy it or live there. so realistically its not a good chance for a sale.
Time to lawyer up and figure out what is actually yours and what isn't and how to go about things. Figure out if it's worth going through the legal system or not. Maybe they should buy you out?