Homeowner Deductibles

I'm having more and more clients elect to go with 3% ,4% and even 5% deductibles on their homeowner renewals to save on premium. I can not help but think had clients elected higher deductibles sooner the insurance rates would not be as grim as they are now. Are your clients open to the higher deductibles?
Are your clients open to the higher deductibles?
Ahhhh - Yah
I can not help but think had clients elected higher deductibles sooner the insurance rates would not be as grim as they are now.

I think higher Homeowners Insurance Deductibles and Home Safety and Mitgation strategies are and will be the wave of the future.

It only takes just one insurance claim for a client or their friend to see that insurers are often not easy to work with, slow down the process, or that the coverage is not as clear as they expected. [I mean you cannot really understand coverage from a quote sheet or a 30 second commercial].

Thanks for the post
Agreed, but tell that to the policy holder that was paying $1800 at expiration with a $450K coverage A limit, with a son who is a contractor who can rebuild at $300K.....