Homeowner's Question

Hope it works out for you.
Again...get it in writing that the dogs are allowed if the owner lets you rent.
although it is very hard to evict people.....it is very easy to evict pets in most states. And I bet that wouldn't go over big with the girl friend.
Rent elsewhere, its the simplest way.
Or -
Offer to provide a renters policy, naming the landlord as an additional insured, basically covering his liability exposure. Pay for the year in advance so it won't lapse. Make sure the dog is not excluded from liability coverage on the renters policy.

Odds are, he doesn't want pets in his place, which means he is using the insurance as a smoke screen. If this is the case, you won't win this.

I guess my last hope is that the dogs (girlfriends) are both less than 25 lbs. are there typically specific breed restrictions or is it basically a blanket restriction?

Why not have your girlfriend house them? Or is she in the same predicament? How long have you been together? It's either her or the dogs, ya know?