How Can Either Side Be Against an Expedited Review?

I thought she was a paella girl?

She is but that is mostly when she is in Spain.

As you may recall Bar Harbor, Maine (think Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Morgans, Martha Stewart, etc) and Spain were the two places that Michelle went for vacation during the BP spill. This was part of the Obama Administration's effort to assure people that the Gulf was still a good place to vacation.

Actually there was a trip to Martha's Vineyard in that period too. Might have been before or after, can't remember. You can't fault her though. She needs some rest from keeping us from eating twinkies. Someone has to do it.

Did I mention that they have lobster at Martha's Vineyard too?
Obamas Depleting U.S. Lobster Supply | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

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Of course, with all this going on (the FL case), IL decides that they want to march ahead with the PPACA provisions. Not only are we broke, but our leaders are idiots who are marching us further into the abyss rather than take a "wait and see" approach.

I hate this state's "leadership."
The carriers already got a great taste of what it's like to cut comp by 50% or more and guess what....the world didn't end for them.

This hasn't fully played out yet. Give it about 6 months on reduced commissions to agents and see how many carriers are dancing in the streets.

When the volume drops off, their cost of acquisition rises as to the number of not takens and they see a significant drop off in newly issued policies during the first 90 - 120 days they will start looking for ways to get the agent back.

As much as they want to crab about agents, they also know they need us.

Not suggesting they will roll back commissions to 2010 levels, even if they could, but I do see the next 6 months or so as an experiment.

Even direct writers like GEICO and Progressive use agents in the field now. Wonder why?

And look at State Farm. Giant in the industry. Has name recognition in P&C that is equivalent to Blue Cross, yet they have agents in the field.

Must be a reason for that.

Blue is the only health carrier that can write a significant amount of business on a direct basis but a lot of that is through their captive agents that work on commission and are fed leads. Eliminate the broker and in most states their IFP will drop by 30 - 40%, small group will become non-existent and even large group will take a significant hit.
Of course, with all this going on (the FL case), IL decides that they want to march ahead with the PPACA provisions. Not only are we broke, but our leaders are idiots who are marching us further into the abyss rather than take a "wait and see" approach.

I hate this state's "leadership."

Don't complain about IL. Our geniuses here in CA have elected a socialist as insurance commissioner who apparently doesn't think the fed crap goes far enough.
