Don't get me wrong guys, I do get out there and work. I was just looking for some tips and tricks from the pros. I've been actively seeking advice around the office as well, and reading everything I can get my hands on. There's a lot to learn in your first few months (and I've only been writing since December) so I'm just seeking good solid advice. Thanks for everything you've all posted.
Now, that you have cleared that up.. the answer is practice, practice practice.. The more you put the knowledge you have to use, the better you will get.. Whenever, you leave a house, if you made a sale or not, spend just a few minutes doing an honest critique of yourself.. "What did i do that worker?" What did I do that I need to improve upon".."Did I do anything wrong?" 'if so, was it just unique to that prospect or would the result be the same when talking with others" "If the later, how do I change it?" You will find yourself getting better as the days go by and you will find yourself making more sales with the same effort.