I believe you said that these mlm associates would not be licensed insurance agents correct? Assuming that is the case, how could they be legally compensated for insurance sales? If lets say all the business goes through a licensed agency like yours and you give them a percentage of each sale, that would get your licensed yanked, at least in our state.
Another area of caution that comes to mind would be charge backs.
Good luck, would like to hear if you get it off the ground.
I believe you said that these mlm associates would not be licensed insurance agents correct? Assuming that is the case, how could they be legally compensated for insurance sales? If lets say all the business goes through a licensed agency like yours and you give them a percentage of each sale, that would get your licensed yanked, at least in our state.
Another area of caution that comes to mind would be charge backs.
Good luck, would like to hear if you get it off the ground.