How do you handle medigap price increases?

Problem is...

2-3yrs later you are back at square one.

If I were to every write another med supp, it would be UHC/AARP
they will stick forever.

Other problem is once the book is big enough, there is not enough time to re-evaluate. So, what I have learned is that it is a-ok to let those go that do not want to stay. They will wear you down looking to save $5-$7.00 I do not have time for people like that.

As Sweet Brown says "Ain't nobody got time for that"

I appreciate that T Sparks..I can definitely see what you mean especially with the PDP headaches Ive already dealt with.

If you don't mind, what is your approach for converting clients from supp to MAPD?

Thanks for the advice. A lot of these are F plans, so I was thinking about showing them G plans like you mentioned. I definitely don't want to play guessing games who will and will not tolerate these larger increases!

Gold advice, I wish I had this when I first started. I'm going to start doing the same, because I can see where things can go south pretty quickly, and Ive already made these mistakes telling people things I shouldn't have. It was more about me wanting to get them into a policy when it shouldn't have been.

I'm gonna start using that "I don't have enough liability coverage to give you specific answers" line as well.

I think that comment about not having enough E & O insurance to make that kind of prediction is a ridiculous statement to make. It's a slap in the face to your client, insinuating that they would file a complaint against you or sue you because of it.
its just kind of a ludicrous excuse for not giving some type of answer to the question.