How Do You Pay Telemarketers ?


I was wondering how people pay telemarketers? Do you pay them per lead generated, per hour? And how much? I want to get a telemarketer but I want to make sure they are getting a fair pay and I'm not getting ripped off.
Re: Telemarketing...

That really depends on a lot of things.

Usually you need to pay them an hourly plus a bonus.
Re: Telemarketing...

So with hourly, do you do like minimum wadge plus bonus? I guess Im just looking for a starting point.
Re: Telemarketing...

So with hourly, do you do like minimum wadge plus bonus? I guess Im just looking for a starting point.

Depends on if they're stateside or overseas.

Stateside, I wouldn't hire someone for less than $8-$10/hour. I have them on a dialer (because the reporting is great and it makes them twice as efficient, if not more) and have them work from home. I 1099 them which works better if they're not working at your office.

What products are you thinking about having them market?
Re: Telemarketing...

Sorry... Personal P&C

The biggest challenge with personal lines is that the commissions are so relatively low. Depending on the economy in your area you could probably find someone decent at $10/hour to do it. Whatever you do I'd definitely have them on a dialer. If you do that and have them work from home that easily puts them in 1099 status so you can avoid the pain of payroll/ui/wc.
Re: Telemarketing...

Thank you for the info. I'm sure this has been asked over a million times but what dialer to you prefer and what are the costs?