How Do You Pay Telemarketers ?

Karweik said:
Thank you for the info. I'm sure this has been asked over a million times but what dialer to you prefer and what are the costs?

That is a great question. Who do you prefer josh and where could she find a place to buy targeted lists?
Re: Telemarketing...

Thank you for the info. I'm sure this has been asked over a million times but what dialer to you prefer and what are the costs?

That is a great question. For a few years I've been suggesting folks go with salesdialers because the system I use costs a small fortune to get setup. As of about a month ago I can now offer the same service I use to folks after putting some major upgrades on the network of servers. It was a healthy investment, but folks can now use the exact same system I use.

Most of the reason why I like it is because of the reporting. Most dialers can dial out multiple lines at a time, but very few give you the reporting capabilities the system I use does so you can really drill down and see what's going on. Feel free to shoot me an email if you want to see a demo of the reporting, There are other options too, callfire, and to name a few.
Re: Telemarketing...


I already have lists, I signed up for a yearly subscription to Cole X-dates. It seems to be working decent so far. I also plan to get boulder calls next week.

Cole definitely has good data. Boulder is a mixed bag, but some agents do well with them.
I've hired alot of telemarketers and spoken to countless people to gather their input. Here are some ideas to keep them from "dialing for dollars"

-Pay them an hourly rate $8-10/hour.
-Give them a grace period to learn, be trained, etc. (1-week).
-THEN...require them to get X leads/appts per hour i.e. 2/hour.
-Provide them a raise of $1/hour for each lead generated during that hour (4 leads = $8/hour + $2/hour) for that SPECIFIC hour.
-Provide them a flat bonus for an appointment.
-Provide them a flat bonus for an application.
-Provide them a flat bonus for an approved application.

I would not do all of these, but perhaps plug them into a spreadsheet and work different options. Also, always start low as you can always increase their pay and bonuses...hard to go back. I've made this analogy before...don't go buy your girlfriend a diamond tennis bracelet at they one-year anniversary because you've set the bar high for ALL future anniversaries. I wouldn't give her a ring from a crackerjack box, but I think you get the ideas.

You can always step it up...start low and let them prove themselves. Hope this helps a little.
I'm going to politely disagree with paying them a bonus for applications.

In telemarketing jobs where they actually get the sale a bonus is can be done because it's immediate and transparent. An example would be a telemarketer calling to switch someone to Comcast and the transaction is complete during the call.

As we all know, it doesn't work that way. What you end up with is a telemarketer constantly asking how many deals you put in - which kinda turns you into their employee.

Now they're depending on your skill to increase their pay - then underwriting is involved. Go ahead and tell them you put a deal in that didn't get approved so they don't get the bonus.

Also, how much you write is none of their business. Pay them an hourly rate, then possibly a bonus based on their overall performance.
Good point crabcake...these were just ideas that I've seen people use for compensation. Pros and cons... trial and error... but each person will come up with their own system. Thanks!