How Important is It to Have an XML Sitemap?

what advantage(s) does a website owner who uses an xml sitemap have over one who doesn't?

and if there is a significant advantage, how does that work for those who are continually adding content to their site? (do they have to re-submit an xml sitemap every time they create new pages of content?)
xml sitemaps tell the search engines about your site, where to go, how often your site is updated. You can customize the sitemap to indicate to search engines which pages on your site are updated daily, monthly, yearly, etc..on some older sites you have to request updates..on some wp blogs i have, it is automatically done when new pages are added
I have found that on a WP blog a site map is not at all necessary. My new posts always get indexed within 24 hours. Sometimes within one hour.

It may or may not be necessary for other pages on your site. I think that Google has a lot more resources now than it did a few years ago. Site maps probably did help a lot then.

Each new page you create should probably have a link from another indexed page whether it is a back link or an internal link. WP does this automatically. So long as you do this with your other pages, you probably don't need a site map to get your pages indexed.

An HTML site-map may help visitors find your content. An xml site-map may not add any value in 2012.
It allows Google to see your whole website structure. So Just make sure you keep it updated so google bots can crawl all the pages your website has to offer