How Much Per Wk Should I Spend on Leads...

Hard to hire good, part time telemarketers IMO. $3000 month = $36,000 a year. Divide by 2 people = $18,000 year or $8.65/hour. Divide by 3 people = $12,000 year or $5.76 hour...below minimum wage. So me personally, I don't think it is that "Easy" to hire 2-3 telemarketers & get better results.

If my agency, I'd buy the leads & hire trained, licensed agents to work the leads. We have agents doing this & knocking the ball out of the park in many states. Processes & trained staff = Results $$$$.

I would agree with Bob on this. The important thing to see is how much you are converting of the qualified leads or calls you're taking. You could spend less if you close more obviously. It depends on your goals, your close rate, etc.

I always suggest agents start small and keep their budget in mind. Work what you have, and once you start having a comparison based on your actual numbers, then scale. Otherwise you could be spinning your wheels.