How soon can I get a policy issued?

Had a coworker ask me to meet with her client since I was licensed L&H and she wasn't. Couple wanted to apply for LTC, don't worry they said money was not an issue. So I asked the standard questions. What drugs do you take? Husband was prescribed Aricept which got them interested in LTC. When they stated that he was having difficulty remembering things and initial diagnosis was early Alzheimers we concluded the meeting. I felt terrible that there really wasn't anything I could do except advise them to see a financial planner and start socking away money to pay for care.
advise them to see a financial planner and start socking away money to pay for care.

Honestly, I would suggest they get to an elder care attorney. Most people portraying themselves as financial planners are not actually or mostly are looking to organize assets under management or sell annuities (nothing wrong with either). Some planners are good at that, but there are also lots that are not & legally don't have law licenses to advise on the topic.

But a good elder care attorney can help get all their existing assets in proper order to maximize exempt non countable assets for Medicaid eligibility, etc. The more time they have for crisis planning the better rather than waiting until he needs care, now that it is too late for getting LTC, hybrid life or an annuity like Global Atlantic Forecare, etc.
How many times have you heard “ That’s why insurance is such a racket. They won’t sell it to you when you need it. “
What I don't understand is how some people think. Since when is it a racket for any entity willing to give your family $40,000 in exchange for your $50-$100 per month?
What I don't understand is how some people think. Since when is it a racket for any entity willing to give your family $40,000 in exchange for your $50-$100 per month?

But what do they do with all those premiums we pay? I have never had a claim yet & my cousin's sisters great aunt had her claim not get paid because she let it lapse after paying for over 5 years, so it is pure corporate greed profit.....legalized racket.