How to Finance Navigators?


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None of the grant money can be used on Navigators. Funding must come from the state or the or the consumer. If the ins co pays, isn't that the same as a commission?

They think if they build it, the masses will come, know how to use it the exchange, and be ok paying a fee to get advice from an unlicensed un-insured navigator

The reality is that the exchanges require a lot of work. Almost everyone involved agrees that states have been forced to work under an aggressive timetable. While states are trying to develop the structure of a complex interactive website, coordinating with insurance providers and the federal government in a way they never have before, something that is effectively customer service hasn't been a priority.

A commonly floated financing mechanism is charging insurers to sell their plans on the exchanges. But the navigators would presumably need to be up and running prior to the start of enrollment in October 2013—and that's before any plans would be sold on the marketplaces. However they choose to resolve the issue, states need a concrete funding plan to receive exchange approval from HHS.

Health Exchange Navigators Still an Unknown for Most States
The exchanges are not our friend, or even good for the consumer. They will simply lead to the administrative arm of the " single payer" system. Go Romney...........