How to study now?

Hi Shanna,

One thing you need to understand that isn't always made clear when learning how to take a test, you really need to understand the different definitions of the words used in a particular field of study.

Very simple example;

  1. To protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure.
  2. To make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury suffered.
Two very different meanings which can affect an answer. Their is difference between compensation and protect. Don't assume it means the same thing, although it may. When a question is asked you need to understand the context. You cannot understand the context if you don't understand the meaning of the words used in the sentence. You may be thinking definition one, when the test is referring to definition two. If you do not understand definition two, or even know definition two exists, you cannot answer the question correctly.

Insurance has its own language or nomenclature. (Look up nomenclature in the dictionary) Nomenclature is usually the most difficult part of learning any subject. Once you understand the nomenclature the rest is easy. I would start by going back and looking at all the terms used. Look them all up. Make very sure you understand each definition for the term and how it applies and is used. Tedious, but mandatory. It is not just about passing an exam. You are talking about your livelihood. You must have full comprehension to do well.
Hi Shanna,

One thing you need to understand that isn't always made clear when learning how to take a test, you really need to understand the different definitions of the words used in a particular field of study.

Very simple example;

  1. To protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure.
  2. To make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury suffered.
Two very different meanings which can affect an answer. Their is difference between compensation and protect. Don't assume it means the same thing, although it may. When a question is asked you need to understand the context. You cannot understand the context if you don't understand the meaning of the words used in the sentence. You may be thinking definition one, when the test is referring to definition two. If you do not understand definition two, or even know definition two exists, you cannot answer the question correctly.

Insurance has its own language or nomenclature. (Look up nomenclature in the dictionary) Nomenclature is usually the most difficult part of learning any subject. Once you understand the nomenclature the rest is easy. I would start by going back and looking at all the terms used. Look them all up. Make very sure you understand each definition for the term and how it applies and is used. Tedious, but mandatory. It is not just about passing an exam. You are talking about your livelihood. You must have full comprehension to do well.

Thank you very much!! Great advice!! I will do this also.
Explain please. I wasn't aware of this. I thought I was supposed to get fingerprinted and apply for license.

You'll likely miss AEP for Medicare Advantage and Part D this year. There's additional certifications for that product, but otherwise you're wide open.