HR 4691 Passed Today

Does the COBRA subsidy expire next month even for someone who lost their job last month? Or are they allowed the full 15 months from February 2010 if that's when the job loss occurred? Still was never very clear on that....
Does the COBRA subsidy expire next month even for someone who lost their job last month? Or are they allowed the full 15 months from February 2010 if that's when the job loss occurred? Still was never very clear on that....
Anyone who goes onto COBRA (or mini-COBRA) during the eligibility periods (now to March 31) gets the 15 month subsidy at 65% if they qualify. So, someone starting COBRA 3/1 will get a full 15 months of subsidy. The dates for eligibility only effect getting the subsidy, not the duration of the subsidy.
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Another 30 days of losses for the carriers.
Had someone yesterday who is a candidate for IFP say that they were counting on the subsidy (which now they will get) and wanted to get laid off to be able to get it instead of quitting. Does not want IFP and is afraid of Anthem because of the 39%!

If Paul is right and it extends to 12/2010, at least in CA it will kill off the IFP market.
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This also goes to your target market. My target market is business owners, so the COBRA legislation doesn't affect my business. If you're target market is employees then yes, you'll be impacted.
Actually, the COBRA subsidy can affect businesses since they are required to pre-fund the premium and then wait on the tax break. The more people they lay off the higher their COBRA payment which can either cripple the business or force the owner to drop group health insurance.