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Do you think that will be the case with the new Chesapeke MA? No one will accept it?
Not necessarily; but can you imagine a billing specialist looking at yet another card she's never seen nor heard of called, "Chesapeake." She may say... 'what's this?' And toss it unless you're proactive with her; I had to do a lot of that for my clients with Wellcare last year.
Why risk that to your client unless you will be proactive and call in advance to ensure they do or teach them and see if they will. I don't know about you,but I don't plan to call up any more doctors' offices if I don't have to - to educate them. I am not a provider specialist but can play that role too if I absolutely must; the companies I plan to go out on have done a good job already in selected areas so I'm going out on the bigger house hold names that's a best fit for each person.