Humana Told to Stop It

There is something similar in this to most state laws that prohibit you from telling clients that they have state insurance funds to back up their annuity or life policy purchase.

In my state, and this is probably similar to others, it is a criminal offense to discuss even the existence of $500,000 in coverage in case an insurance company becomes insolvent. After a sale, the insurance company is then required to disclose the coverage. Before the sale, it is a crime.

So, if clients says "Yes, that annuity sure sounds a crapload better than my 1.8% CD, but is there any insurance?"

"Sorry, I cannot confirm nor deny the existence of any coverage, and if there was any coverage, I would not be inclined to discuss the existence or non-existence of said coverage nor the amount of coverage if said coverage indeed existed."

Or, in the case of Humana: "The politicians are lying to you through their collective teeth. We would just like you to know a little bit of truth from our perspective."

What a world.
Re: Humana... Uh Oh

Hello? Ever hear of MIPPA?
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The MAs are spending approximately 14 to 17% over what original Medicare costs and are getting reimbursed from Medicare funds (your and mine). The whole intent of the formation of MAs was to provide better healthcare at less cost than Medicare.

So the MA's funding is going to be reduced. This means that the insurance companies will have to stop spending (for example) 9.2 million of Medicare dollars (yours and mine) to have CASA BLANCA re-digitalized to use as a marketing tool so they could ask all the senior to attend a free showing.

Seems that seeing an old movie is good for your health - and then you would not have to go to the doctor?

WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? and now they are whining about the funding being reduced. TOO BAD!
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Reduced funding for Medicare, especially the MA plans, will result in several things.

Fewer carriers, higher premiums (no more $0), higher copays.

It will likewise have an effect on the number of docs willing to accept Medicare as reimbursements are cut even more, and higher OOP to the Medicare beneficiaries.

BTW, not all MA plans are having issues. It is really the PFFS variety that is catching most of the flack. The PPO & HMO plans work quite well and deliver real value.

Every time the govt get's involved in wanting to "fix" something it only get's worse and costs more than it did before.
I took the time to post the text of Humana's letter.

I'm not a fan of Humana. A year ago, Humana led the charge to cut our renewals/client relationships for all Part C and D plans. They turned on us fellow agents. Death to Humdidity!

++++++++++++++++++ text ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dear (Soon-To-Be Underinsured):

With the media reporting daily on Congress' and President Obama's efforts to enact meaningful health reforms this year, many Humana Medicare Advantage (MA) members are contacting us with questions. Members just like you want to know what these reforms might mean for their Medicare health plan and how they can get involved to help protect Medicare Advantage.

We are working diligently to ensure that our nation's leaders understand how proposed reforms might affect you. At the same; time, we have created the Partner program to keep you informed about proposed Medicare changes and help you get involved so your voice is heard in Washington. Your opinions matter to us, to others on Medicare, and to your elected officials. There are two things you can do now to help show Congress the importance of Medicare Advantage:

• Opt into the Partner program. Becoming a Partner is easy. Just complete the accompanying, postage-paid form and follow the instructions to fold and mail it back. As a Humana Partner, you will join more than 50,000 Humana Medicare Advantage members who are receiving information about this issue and learning how to get involved to protect your Medicare health plan coverage.

• Let your Members of Congress know why Medicare Advantage is important to you. Congress is
considering significant cuts to Medicare Advantage now, and your Members of Congress will want to know why this program is valuable to you because these cuts could mean higher costs and benefit reductions to many on Medicare Advantage.

We've made it easy for you to have your voice heard. Just call (877) 698-9228 (toll-free) or visit
Untitled Document for additional information about this issue and how you can offer helpful input to your elected officials.

Leading health reform proposals being considered in Washington, D.C., this summer include billions in Medicare Advantage funding cuts, as well as spending reductions to original Medicare and Medicaid. While these programs need to be made more efficient, if the proposed funding cut levels become law, millions of seniors and disabled individuals could lose many of the important benefits and services that make Medicare Advantage health plans so valuable.

On behalf of Humana's 28,000 employees, I would like to thank you/or being a Humana member. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure the Medicare Advantage program remains strong, so you can have peace of mind about your health coverage-now and in the future!


Philip Painter, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Humana Medicare

Medicare-approved HMO, PPO, and PFFS plans. Neither the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services nor the Medicare
Has reviewed these materials for accuracy or misrepresentation. You are not required to provide any information to us, and
information that you choose to share will not affect your membership in any Humana health plan.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you go to Untitled Document this is all you'll get!

This Website is currently unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience.

I never thought I'd see the day when our freedom of speech has been taken away by our government! Freaking weird! I guess it just happened! :swoon:
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Here's a link to the letter...

It's also illegal to cold-door knock for MA and PDP plans. Throw in the stupid SOA form and "48 hour cooling off period" and it's a wonder CMS doesn't tell us when to wipe our collective asses.

And after taking tests to get certified for 2010 with a couple of companies for MA's and PDP's, the rules would put me in prison for the rest of my life the way I work.

I was doing my certification last night and I got scared thinking that even though I really try to be compliant that there is so many land mines in the marketing do's and don'ts that I might accidentally slip up and say the wrong thing or look at a Medicare beneficiary the wrong way and they will haul my ass off to MIPPA prison , fine me $ 25,000.00 and keep my renewals .I wouldn't even be able to afford to buy a Moon Pie and a Nehi grape soda at the MIPPA prison commissary while serving out my 10 year sentence.

The bottom line is not only do we have to worry about being accused of marketing abuse but everything that can or does go wrong with an MA plan is the agents fault even inept MA company operations,provider relations,customer service etc.
Re: Humana... Uh Oh

Hello? Ever hear of MIPPA?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The MAs are spending approximately 14 to 17% over what original Medicare costs and are getting reimbursed from Medicare funds (your and mine). The whole intent of the formation of MAs was to provide better healthcare at less cost than Medicare.

So the MA's funding is going to be reduced. This means that the insurance companies will have to stop spending (for example) 9.2 million of Medicare dollars (yours and mine) to have CASA BLANCA re-digitalized to use as a marketing tool so they could ask all the senior to attend a free showing.

Seems that seeing an old movie is good for your health - and then you would not have to go to the doctor?

WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? and now they are whining about the funding being reduced. TOO BAD!

You are missing the point of this thread.

Regardless of whether Medicare Advantage consumes MORE of our tax money or not, the question is; can an insurance company send truthful information to their policyowners?

The government IS talking about cutting benefits to Medicare Advantage people. Should someone communicate that to them so they can give their opinion about it PRIOR to it happening?

I vote yes. I don't care WHO the insurance company is.