Humana Will Compete for Our In-force Clients

June 9, 2015

What's up with Humana contacting QHPlan clients and offering the services of a pretty nurse to conduct an in-home health assessment?

Since rescissions are very difficult to do now, is this assessment occuring because the company really cares about the well-being of it's customers?
Trying to reduce claims by identifying people with chronic conditions. Just another aspect of managed care.
June 9, 2015

What's up with Humana contacting QHPlan clients and offering the services of a pretty nurse to conduct an in-home health assessment?

Since rescissions are very difficult to do now, is this assessment occuring because the company really cares about the well-being of it's customers?

All of the companies do the same thing with MAPD, it probably lowers their overall cost by a few basis points and looks good on their CMS compliance report.
The in home assessments help with the mapd star ratings.

I had a call 3 weeks ago for an in home and I told them I did not need it because I had a physical scheduled the following week and they went on and on and I finally said no I am hanging up.

Well saw one of my client's last week on mapd and he did the home assessment and he said the nurse was a knock out, I might want to reconsider next time.
Thanks for the responses gentlemen! It sounds like the in-home assessments are a good thing for clients who aren't certain if they're getting the proper overall treatment regiment. I hope the cost for these nurses is subtracted from the MEDICAL side of the MLR equation.

BTW.. While it's not relevant to my question, the assessments are targeting AETNA QHP clients. Not Humana. Thanks again.
I had an aetna qhp plan up until June 1st (because sending in my tax records for 2014 was not proof enough for income, they wanted all of my 1099's and I refused to send them so i am now cancelled) however, I, since January, have been called a total of 13 times for my nurse visit and every time I say, no thank you, take me off this list, and a few days later, the phone would ring again.
I hope the cost for these nurses is subtracted from the MEDICAL side of the MLR equation.

That should be part of the overhead, not a claim cost.

the assessments are targeting AETNA QHP clients. Not Humana.

Well, this is a Humana thread.

Just being picky ...........

since January, have been called a total of 13 times for my nurse visit and every time I say, no thank you,

Might be nurse Goodbody from Hee Haw.
