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I’m sure this comes up a lot…

Y'all are making too much of this. I agree, lack of structure makes it harder to read. Just don't reply to it.. or better yet, don't even read it. Y'all are beating a dead horse.

Also, you complain about structure and proceed to write an essay. No one wants to read 2,000 words on the importance of paragraph structure either.
That wasn't addressed to you so there was no need for you to read it if you did not care to.
Y'all are making too much of this. I agree, lack of structure makes it harder to read. Just don't reply to it.. or better yet, don't even read it. Y'all are beating a dead horse.

Also, you complain about structure and proceed to write an essay. No one wants to read 2,000 words on the importance of paragraph structure either.
Thank you, I’m just not seeing the point in even bringing it up. If my OP was so difficult to navigate and read wouldn’t it have just been easier to skip over it rather than take the time to respond and not even address the actual question?
Thank you, I’m just not seeing the point in even bringing it up. If my OP was so difficult to navigate and read wouldn’t it have just been easier to skip over it rather than take the time to respond and not even address the actual question?
Agreed. Just move on. It's done.

Onto the actual topic. At the end of the day, I think your best shot at being successful is face-to-face FE. Once you're established, you can start cross-selling MA.

I am with Newby at FEX Contracting. But there are plenty of good options for you.
Y'all are making too much of this. I agree, lack of structure makes it harder to read. Just don't reply to it.. or better yet, don't even read it. Y'all are beating a dead horse.

Also, you complain about structure and proceed to write an essay. No one wants to read 2,000 words on the importance of paragraph structure either.
Not to mention the ones complaining ain't exactly writing in perfect grammar either...
The issue here is NOT grammer, spelling or meeting college level thisis structure in a post. It is about, like, taking breaths when you are talking and giving someone a chance to respond.

My reading speed and comprehension is total cr4p, so this took me awhile, but here is your original post broken into 5 paragraphs-what I can see as maybe 5 different thoughts you needed to express. The first three are your situational background, the last two are your specific requests.

I am NOT an agent, but I am pretty confident that what you posted would not be "new" experience for any FMO/IMO reading this and thinking about experiences with their agents.

What it does do is break up your situation into thought blocks that allows the reader to scan quickly and get to how to respond to you more quickly.

Paragraph A, Multiple background posts of that type come into this site on a weekly basis. Scanning, ok, New Agent, not focusing on one or two lines and has upline problems.

Paragraph B, Intense dislike for Mortgage Protection. Again a rerun of an agnent generic background problem which can get posted here multiple times in a month.

Paragraph C, Some personal preferences, which OP's sometime post in a first post, and sometimes don't. (And there are things there which many experienced and successful agents may not see as desirable practices for a successful insurance agent business model. Comments about that should not anger you.)

Paragraph D, Now a specific question--One person's variant of the standard request for help with FMO information which hits the site multiple times a week. First problem for an experienced answerer is OP has not narrowed sales field enough to allow someone to comment on their preference(s) for an IMO/FMO for the particular line of insurance they know about.

Paragraph E. The second request. Again a generic problem that comes up in request posts all the time. Leads. I want them. How do I get them? or Leads. I don't need them. How do I just get training. (Or Leads AND Training -- I don't want either, I just want contracts. Where can I accomplish that?)

A person probably has to read your original post at least three times to sort out thoughts, classify as background or requests, and then think about how to answer.

You do the paragraphs, experienced insurance people can scan quickly, categorize the background basics and then see and respond to the questions.

I would guess the effort on your part to make 5 paragraphs would reduce the amount of time it takes someone to digest and respond to your post by at least half.

You talk below about wanting to put people first. If you want to ask help from professional insurance people, and put them first, use paragraphs to show you value their time and help them to help you more efficiently.

Jesus Christ man, go outside, get some fresh air, maybe a hobby or something?
Damm lost dollar go get your license and sell something . What facinates you so much about ins and you make no money at it ? If I weren’t making money in Ins I’d sure as hell never be on boards night and say talking about it
Thank you, I’m just not seeing the point in even bringing it up. If my OP was so difficult to navigate and read wouldn’t it have just been easier to skip over it rather than take the time to respond and not even address the actual question?
Honestly mate, if you're still bringing this up 4 pages into the thread, you may be a little too thin-skinned for this industry.

A pro would have laughed it off, silently internalized the (quite accurate) feedback, or said "thanks" but you have replied multiple times about it and can't let it go.

"You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you c*******? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit?"
Damm lost dollar go get your license and sell something . What facinates you so much about ins and you make no money at it ? If I weren’t making money in Ins I’d sure as hell never be on boards night and say talking about it
If it weren't for my Insurance Forums education, I would not know that being fired by a dentist is very much like being fired by an insurance agent.

I stopped to talk with an insurance agent the other day to ask if he sold annuities. If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have been able to truly appreciate his situation when he told me he was escaping from Farmers and starting his own agency.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I could not have truly appreciated how nice it was for him to have a 4-5 inch pile of folders on his desk of clients that wanted to stay with him. It was a refreshing change from the P&C forum posts from new agents wanting to know how to get clients.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I could not have listened to him talking to a prospect/client and imagined I was listening to a conversation that @Al3x Lee and @marindependent must have multiple times a day.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I could not have really appreciated seeing the insurance agent referral process in action when he gave me a business card for a CFP friend.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education and the site bookmark function, I would not have access to "@Newby nuggets" of wisdom.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have access to some insights and wisdom from @jdeasy.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have been trained up in the way I should go by @goillini52 , @vic120, @TwoCents ,@Chazm, and others.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have had access to comments by @rousemark about reading documents and comments by @somarco about "trust but verify" which saved me from some serious mistakes in a recent insurance product evaluation.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have had access to comments by @sshafran which prevented me from making a serious mistake by buying a Medicare Advantage MSA plan.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have had access to a comment by @sshafran many years ago which encouraged me to see I was thinking properly about an HDF supplement plan.

and .....................................