I found this guy to be the perfect solution to my FE needs.
Joe Ciaccio Equita Final Expense - YouTube
Let me know what you think... or if you have any further questions!
You asked for what I thought, I didn't volunteer it out of the blue.
I work for nobody as of the moment, but I was told I will be with Travis Tubbs. Everybody I have spoken with says he gives the best commisions, (which is the best I have been offered) and is one of the best people in the industry to learn from.
So you are right that commision isn't everything, but my point is that you can get a better starting commission and superb training. I was also offered better commission that Joe offered at Securus by a manager that came highly recommended by somebody who has no incentive to lie.
Not badmouthing anybody, especially because I have zero experience, but I'm just sharing my experience in my brief time being recruited.