I Am Thinking of Becoming an Insurance Agent, Advice?

What company will you represent?

Your question is somewhat difficult to answer as depending on how the business is structured, it could be a pyrimid scheme or not.

Are you going to work for a man or a company that the man also works for?

Is your goal to work towards management within a large insurance company or to start your own independent agency that uses several insurance companies?

About the other thing I can tell you is trust your stomach. If things don't feel right inside, there's a good reason somewhere. If you aren't comfortable going into this profession, you probably shouldn't.
I believe I would start here. (See link below) There are six companies listed along with their contact info in Singapore.

Contact them and setup an interview. Before you do make a list of all your questions. I suggest you talk to all six and take notes. Everything we would do here may not even be applicable to what an agent needs to do in Singapore or the ways the government regulates the industry.

General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA)
Generally, insurance agents especially those who are new and do not have natural market need to put in a lot of efforts to build clientele at the inception of their insurance business.

This is a rejection business, many prospects you meet will say no to you. You need to have mental strengths to go through the challenges. Besides you must like to meet and talk to people. You need to have a big dream to help you see beyond hurdles.

Many factors come into play to decide your income potentials such as your competence, efforts, market etc.

Whether or not you should join the manager is dependent how you can get along with him at personal level, your ability to adapt yourself to the culture of his group of agents, his success stories and people he built in the past.

Best regards

Well said. If you don't have the mental strenght and you fear rejection then being an insurance agent is not for you.
Some states, including my own, call us producers but it's the same as an agent.

Generally, if the class is sponsored by a company they expect you to sell for them as a captive agent. There are generall insurance classes if you want to be independent.

Most insurance companies will have contact information on their websites but if you are first starting out you'll probably do better if you can work with an existing agency.
Save your $.. try to get a business loan
buy a large book of business or an existing agency/ In my opinion independent is the way to go, but starting up is difficult. The well known competitive companies will not appoint a newbie without a large book of business. For example, In the states I could just start up and get appointed by Progressive and Foremost without a book of business. However, the companies you need to actually make a living like Allied, Auto-Owners, etc. will not just appoint without a very large book of business.