I have to pay for this for the rest of my life?

Maybe he won't do it publicly if he does :)

But it's so entertaining when it happens on the Forum. Two of my favorite threads were where a couple of members were fired on here. I can't remember their names, but it was some good reading.:yes:


Can you guys get a room?

No, Ben only gets a room with guys he's recruiting. :no:
First of all a good front talk eliminates back talk.
You know what it's going to cost them so build your case.
I don't like critical illness for the same reason because most people WILL pay more into it than they get out. However, if there is a family history and it;s the clients need driving the purchase then I'm OK with the sale.
Yes that's true, I have to be OK with the sale. If you have this mindset then you will overcome these objections. Considering that the aleatory contract states that one premium payment entitles them to the whole death benefit.
Alternatively, you can put FPDA at $50 to $100/month and in 5 to 10 years they have enough to plant or BBQ them. I say this to clients and then remind them that no one has their expiration date tattooed on them.
Baltimore Life has a wide range of policies available including critical illness and annuities. Without options how can you set up an alternate of choice close?

Auto and home owners is a bad bet as well then since most will pay in more than they will ever get out. Also no surrender value.
I'm only blind in one eye. I just can't see out of the other.

Hahaha, I haven't heard that in ages. My dad always said that when I was a kid. He said he was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other. He'd add that when he was a kid he got poked in the eye with a stick. He was a story teller(his whole family was), so he probably made it up.:laugh:
Hahaha, I haven't heard that in ages. My dad always said that when I was a kid. He said he was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other. He'd add that when he was a kid he got poked in the eye with a stick. He was a story teller(his whole family was), so he probably made it up.:laugh:

My dad always said it. Also used to say he was so poor he had to have a Co signer even when he paid in cash.