I Just Signed Up Your Cousin...


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For those of you that have been in sales a while, I assume you are familiar with the Jones' effect. If somebody they know bought a policy they are more likely to buy one from you...to keep up with the Jones'. That's why referrals are so great.

Now the question is it illegal/unethical to drop names in the ins biz? Like I signed up a lady a few weeks ago and her cousin this week. Am I allowed to make mention of that fact to either party, or is that considered sharing somebody's private info?

Also had another situation where someone sent in a lead card directly across the street from one of my clients. Would telling someone else that X person is a client of yours be considered a no-no?
Simply ask them if you can mention their name when talking with a mutual acquaintance. "Mr. Jones, popel like to do business with peorple that their friends and family do business with. Since I am sure youa re pleased with the services I have provided for you, do you mind if I mention that you are a client of mine. Of course, I would never mention any of your personal confidential information that I assured you I would keep private." 99% will say yes and you have no privacy problems.
There was a time when agents did it all the time. Even door knocking the leads, you just carry a big stack up to the door with you when you got some in the same area and you just ask them, "By the way, do you know so-and-so down the street".

With the privacy laws like they are now, don't do it without permission.
Dropping names used to be part of Combined Insurance's sales presentation. (I was with them for a very brief time.) I don't know if they still use that. If so, I guess they have to get permission now.

At the top of their presentation book, they had a list of names on cards attached by 2 or 3 rings that you were supposed to flip through. That was one technique to get in the door, similar to what Todd notes above.

"See, Mr. Jones, we have your neighbor along with this respected doctor, this reverend, this big shot lawyer, the mayor...."
Drop names only if you have permission to do so and it is actually the truth.

My neighborhood was hit up recently by some door to door roof repair salesman. They were telling people "so and so down the street is getting a new roof from us".

In actuality they just had a list of names/addresses and were pulling off random names as "customers".
What they didnt know was that they were working on an old list of names. They told me the name of someone who moved 3 years ago.... I told them to get the F off my property....