To give a little background, I am a new agent with an independant agency and I have about 7 years of captive experience. Ive been in agencies, owned one for a year, and also worked in a call center. This is my first time going commission only.
I am focusing on personal lines, but can do commercial. All marketing is on my dime, and I have 3 dimes to my name. My goal is to approach mortgage brokers and realtors and ultimately become their go to guy when referring their clients to an insurance agent.
What separates me from others, I hope, is that we can provide vacant home policies, short term homeowners policies, and work with carriers who do not use insurance scores.
I will be contacting a lot of them initially by phone and follow up with an office visit. I am not real comfortable with just showing up to their offices, but I can do it.
What I am looking for is a good script, or who to ask for, when I am contacting these types of businesses by phone and in person.
I would find a list of local mortgage people and realtors and cold call them. As previously being in the mortgage biz, I never got calls so I would occasionally refer clients to a guy I knew or wouldn't even bother. As w/everything, persistence and time management would be key.
I am just starting commercial lines so I am curious as to how much you can make on those personal line policies.
Thanks...I appreciate the info. Any thoughts on what benefits I should promote when speaking with a mortgage broker? For example: fast turnaround time, 24/7 assistance, types of policies I offer?
Also, when I call an office, Im sure initially I will be speaking with a receptionist, so who should I ask for?
You have to explain to them what makes you different than me...
I am an IA, I write vacant home, I write short term home policies, I have carrirs that dont pull insurance or credit scores.
Not being a jerk, just saying, what makes YOU different than ME?
Its not about the products, its about your response time, how quick can you get a EOI out, and correctly, do they have to come back to you 2, 3, 4 times to get it right?
WHat are you doing for them? Buying them lunch? Taking bagels into the office in the mornings?
It's all about making them look good. They want you to come across as a professional and to deal with both them and the client as a professional, without doing ANYTHING that jepordizes the deal for them.
In fact, when you talk to the client, you should mention how great the broker/realtor is How lucky they are to be working with them, etc. Kissing up can go a long way!!!!
As RBA says, its really about understanding what the realtor/broker wants and delivering on it quickly and efficiently.
You still have to turn this into a value proposition for the realtor/broker and stand out from me, who they are probably already working with.
Thanks guys...I appreciate the advice. I have been in the game long enough to know all this and I suppose it may be a confidence issue.
I am confident that I can complete the work in a timely manner, wow the client, and get it right the first time. It's the initial approach that I am having issues with.
Does anyone have a script they use when calling potential referrers or have any recommendations about who to ask for and what to say?
What it boils down to is that I just need to get out and do it!! Bottom line...