I NEED HELP! Trying to Get Appointed with P&C Companies

Unfortunately, you're not the only individual that faces this problem coming out of school and passing the 220 General Lines P&C License Exam in the State of Florida and wanting to become independent and on your own.

I found an easy way to get my first 220 license appointment with my first company. I even checked it out with the State of Florida Department of Insurance and it was approved and in my profile!

First, traditional carriers I have found did not want to appoint me unless I had a book of business. I found a way to get appointed for $19.99 per month plus a $10.00 dollar one time sign up application fee. This procedure was easy and it will work for you as well.

The company I signed up with does not sell insurance but does sell a legal plan in the State of Florida that qualifies you to become registered and appointed to sell 220 P&C insurance products to the public and will allow you to hold your 220 license indefinitely under the "Other License Qualification" as long as you satisfy your requirements for ongoing continuing education under the 215 license requirements.

Keep in mind there is a State deadline to become appointed within 24 months after passing your 220 General Lines Property and Casualty State License Certification Exam and your fingerprints are only valid for 12 months from the date they were taken.

To make a long story short you should get appointed with someone within 12 months to avoid paying more out of pocket expenses.
Here is how I fixed this issue immediately. I signed myself up to sell a 2-56 Legal Expense Plan.

2-56 Legal Expense Sales Representative
Florida Statutes 642.015 defines a "LEGAL EXPENSE INSURANCE" as an individual who offers a contractual obligation to provide specific legal services, or to reimburse for specific legal expenses, in consideration of a specified payment for an interval of time, regardless of whether the payment is made by the beneficiaries individually or by a third person for them, but does not include the provisions of, or reimbursement for, legal services incidental to other insurance coverage.

Although this is not a traditional way to get your first appointment to sell all lines of insurance for the General Lines P&C market like the abbreviated list below:
Property and Casualty Crop Hail & Multi-peril Crop 4-30 NA
General Lines 2-20 9-20
General Lines (Temporary) T2-20 T9-20
Industrial Fire or Burglary 2-33 9-33
Industrial Fire or Burglary (Temporary) T2-33 NA
Personal Lines 20-44 90-44

I found myself being appointed very easily within 10 days by signing up for a legal expense plan and being appointed directly with the company.

This may be a step in the right direction for you until you can legitimately create a book of business and the use this as a launching pad to get appointed with other carriers in the future. If you have any questions how to sign up for this legal plan feel free to contact me at 954-740-4543.

I wish you all the best. :)
I know this is an old thread but was he talking about appointing with Pre-paid Legal Casualty?
In a similar boat- I'm working in a related field at the moment but want to keep my license. Has anyone ever figure out the company or a way to get an appointment?
Recommendation: bypass all GAs and go with SIAA.

When I started I looked at all of the aforementioned GAs and then some and they were a joke. No REAL FL markets, no ownership of the books and etc.

SIAA was one of THE best business decisions I made when I started.

But like everything else SIAA has its pros and cons:

Pros: you get right off the bat a TON of high quality Florida markets such as: Mercury, Liberty Mutual, Zurich, FCCI, Safeco, Travelers, ASI, Bankers, Mapfre and more. You also own the book of business AND after you reach 50k in premium you now become directly appointed with the carriers. Not to mention you can actually quote all these markets YOURSELF online. So no waiting 3-4 days for a CSR in Iowa to look at your prospect.

Cons: initial investment fees and 15 year commitment. Which is not really a problem if you know you are what you are doing.

If you want more info feel free to pm me.

Could you tell me about the 15 year commitment