I Neglected My Existing Book - Need Help!!

I have been working for an agency for a couple years. I have a few hundred clients. I was working on learning to sell the whole time, and now I have passed a nice portion of my learning curve, and it occurred to me that I have completely neglected my current book!

My three-ish hundred clients are spread throughout 4 counties and about 3 years. I would like to accomplish a few things:

A: retain my current clients, make sure they remember me, etc.
B: schedule policy reviews, lead into other insurance products
C: try to get referrals.

I just don't know where to start, who to call first, etc. These are seniors, and have Medicare products, LTC, and Life. The enrollment period is coming up, and my first instinct is to call my Med supp people to reiterate value and prevent them hopping into a MA the next time they send in a lead and somebody else walks in.

My second instict is to call the non-Medicare products people, to schedule reviews, and lead into MA period products before October (CMS regulations followed, of course.)

I realize now how neglectful I was, because had I done this earlier in the year could have had 50 plus golden leads for the MA enrollment period.

What should I do to use the next month and a half before pre-enrollment most efficiently? I'm so behind!!!

Any help would be appreciated.
Agreed - send out a newsletter. If you've been collecting email addresses, there are lots of services like MailChimp that make sending out newsletters and updates a snap. You can customize details on the account to send out specialized messages. It saves on the hassle of postage.