ICHRA Rate Calculator


New Member
I have a couple of groups we are talking to about introducing an ICHRA. Does anyone know a quoting platform that will quote groups for you? Either ICHRA or QESHERA?
Do you have a good ICHRA/QSEHRA administrator picked out? A lot of them post their platform and PEPM fees as well as commission structure online. For me it was a short list of who I would actually want to work with. Most price out for larger groups, 50+ employees, and cost too much for the little guys. Ultimately, the administrator would help with quoting.
The only one I've found so far that is priced for under 50 employees is Take Command. Venteur may be another. I'm meeting with them this week. For over 50, there are more possibilities. BCBS and Oscar have been promoting ICHRA and could give you some recommendations on administrators depending on what you're looking for.
We work with a few administrator's but we also handle everything from quoting, education, enrollment, etc. Shoot me a message if you want to talk through the process and how we can make it easy on everyone