If any body is still around....Idaho is making some waves

Its still junk. We need a surcharge without prior EHB. We need stop loss for the carriers. Tie MAPD to ACA counties.

The benefits are NOT the problem. The rates and provider choice are. This is yet another sound bite that isn't going to fix anything.

Agreed. We've been cutting benefits for years as a response to the continual 10% trend. All it did was but benefits while premiums continued to increase. Now we have adverse selection on top of trend inflating premiums faster than any other segment of the economy.

Idaho assertions are much ado about nothing. Amazon/Berkshire etal as currently presented will have similar with the exception of services that can be packaged as commodities. I predict that lip service will be given to impacting things like RX prices but I'm reminded that we have the best congress that money can buy and the drug companies are some of the heaviest buyers of Congress.

Friend was selling car parts on Fleabay. Published price and competition has driven the selling price down to the point where there isn't much fat left to cut. You (one) has to be an importer to have enough margin to make selling there worth while.

We have no price competition in the medical field and won't until we start paying for services with our dollars and not insurance. Carriers are trying to throw technology at the problem - things like tele-doc. All that does is add a cheaper procedure with the same ridiculous price incentives as the old one. There is a lab advertising stool samples on TV as an alternative to colonoscopies. Their retail price is upwards of $600 each. BCBST network price from Quest Labs is ~$30. I guess they have to pay for the TV adds somehow. The person that thought up and implemented that idea outtabeshot.
Here's Kaiser Health News/NPR's story on this from Jan. 30...

Idaho 'Pushing Envelope' With Health Insurance Plan. Can It Do That?

February 20, 2018

It must be the clean fresh air and "can do" pioneering attitude. The Idaho governor gave ObamaCare "The Bird", and did what was best for his state citizens. He was confident that the Trump administration would not interfere.

This week, Blue Cross of Idaho rolled out 5 new health insurance plans that mimic what was available before ObamaCare began screwing millions of Americans.. plans that 88% of the country was happy with.

Blue Cross Idaho - IFP Unveiling: Blue Cross Idaho Unveils 5 Non-ACA Compliant Health Plans

Hopefully other Governors who care about the Residents of their state, will follow suite.
Allen, people must have become healthy on the south side to be able to pass underwriting. Rednecks here can't.

FWI, I grew up on the south side and migrated to the hills of Shotgun County. Of course no foul incurred because it's still north of the Mexican boarder.
Allen, people must have become healthy on the south side to be able to pass underwriting. Rednecks here can't.

FWI, I grew up on the south side and migrated to the hills of Shotgun County. Of course no foul incurred because it's still north of the Mexican boarder.

It's been a few years since I've had an insurance appointment on the South Side of Chicago. From what I see on the news most evenings, you were SMART to get the hell out of there!
Democratic leaders in Congress were quick to recognize that Idaho's plan to grant health-care freedom to its citizens posed a mortal threat to ObamaCare. Sens. Patty Murray and Ron Wyden were joined by Reps. Frank Pallone and Richard Neal in sending an intimidating letter to the director of Idaho's Department of Insurance, threatening massive fines and demanding emails and phone records. Since Idaho has shown no sign of backing down, this battle is certain to escalate. Democrats clearly understand that if Idaho is able to market its "Freedom" insurance, as many as 30 Republican-led states will quickly follow its lead. Health-care freedom in Idaho could lead to the de facto end of ObamaCare throughout America.

The Trump administration and Congress are also working to expand health-care freedom nationwide. When the current administration reversed President Obama's policy of making cost-sharing payments to keep insurance companies in the exchanges, insurers responded by raising the price of their federally subsidized benchmark insurance options. This premium increase on the benchmark policies triggered an automatic increase in the subsidies, all funded by federal taxpayers. State insurance regulators conveniently looked the other way in 2017, but ObamaCare specifically granted the federal government rate-review powers to prevent insurance companies from gaming the system. The benchmark ruse is unlikely to pass HHS scrutiny in 2018.

Before the repeal of the tax penalty, Democrats couldn't bear the political cost of being seen as dismantling ObamaCare, but they will be forced to act as the program contracts. As healthier families flee the exchanges and premiums spiral, Democrats will be desperate to boost the subsidies. Politically, it will be very difficult for Democrats to deny people who have voluntarily left the exchanges the freedom to buy their own health insurance independent of ObamaCare regulations. Their stubborn reluctance to permit more-flexible plans will provide cover for Republicans to oppose increasing subsidies to the exchanges.

How to Complete the Escape From ObamaCare
It's easy to lower premiums. Simply cut benefits and underwrite. The other way is to enroll everyone and stop the adverse selection.

Congressional members have access to information and understand what the results of their actions are while staying on their nice, cushy, government subsidized insurance.

There are already trust and self-funded products available. Sad state of affairs.