If Elected, Will Pres Romney Repeal Health Reform?

Hate to see families going bankrupt trying to care for their loved ones.

If $10k is enough to file BK they have more issues than medical bills. Most folks have car loans more than double that figure.

I think single payor over $100K would work well.
A health policy where the most it could pay out is $100K for the year would be pretty affordable, especially if it could be rated based on risk.

A cat policy with a $100k SIR is not that expensive, especially if written on a "group" basis (such as with single payer).

Cat claims don't make health insurance expensive. It is all the nuisance claims under $1500 or so.

Last data I saw indicated about 4% of claims exceeded $100k.
Supposedly Barney Frank told Obama his health plan was a mistake.

Barney Frank: Obamacare Was a 'Mistake' - Forbes

At least that's his story today . . .

He learned that the Affordable Care Act is un-raveling over at the Supreme Court and is trying to cover his arse, like most people do. (That's what was said on the Limbaugh program today.) Don't know why Frank would want to cover his butt though, since he's not running for re-election.
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We could try something unique and have a mix. For example, we could have a single payer system but only for cat coverage - say $10,000 ded. Then the private market can come up with a myriad of products below 10K.

Another alternative...
HHS should just make the PCIP permanently available to anyone (age 0 thru 64 who makes too much for Medicaid) who has qualifying pre-existing conditions. Shorten the "no insurance" qualifying period from the current 6 months, down to 30 days.
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I honestly think Romney's experience in Massachusetts makes him better able to assess the situation than most. I've F'd up plenty of things on the first try trying to get it right over the years.

"Another alternative...
HHS should just make the PCIP permanently available to anyone (age 0 thru 64 who makes too much for Medicaid) who has qualifying pre-existing conditions. Shorten the "no insurance" qualifying period from the current 6 months, down to 30 days.

That'd bankrupt us worse than they already are. How many high dollar claim HIPAA and COBRA folks would trade in their $900 payment for $400 with that in place?
PCIP is running around a 400% loss ratio and projected to be 3x that by years end.

While I agree with keeping PCIP (if the rest of O-crap goes away) from a financial perspective it makes no sense.

But then, I can't name a single govt entitlement that makes sense from a financial perspective.
Nope, if they made sense from a financial perspective, then the private sector could do it.

It has to make sense from a humane perspective. This has to balance the perspective of you take something someone owns (usually via taxes) to give to someone who needs but did not earn. We have now moved from need to wants though.

We could try something unique and have a mix. For example, we could have a single payer system but only for cat coverage - say $10,000 ded. Then the private market can come up with a myriad of products below 10K.

I think that is a great compromise. Would like to see that studied to see what it would cost for the products below 10k and what the taxes would have to be to cover the over 10k portion.
Funny that Romney would repeal, or whatever you want to call it, Obamacare, when Romneycare in MA is pretty much identical.

The main difference being, of course, one is at the federal level, but the concept is the same.

BTW, I'm going to write-in Mickey Mouse. He'd be better than any of the *** choices that we (unfortunately) have.
He's not going to repeal it. He doesn't have the power as president. He's going to issue all that states waivers which I'm not sure is possible nor has anyone studied the implications.
It also doesn't define what the waiver actually waives.

On the other hand, Obama won't even try. If this is the issue you vote on, the choice is pretty obvious.
