If You Could See a Collection of Best Posts by a Member, Who Would You Choose?

I have little projects for the forums in the background, and one thing I was toying with would be to pick a few members and pick out their best posts.

I know there are certain members here who I would choose;
Full Throttle: Prospecting and Life
Scagnt: Retirement Planning and Life
DHK: All around Financial Planning and Life
JD (I don't like him but I cant deny his helpful posts on the forums) Final Expense

If you could see the Best posts from a member, who would they be and why?

Just curious.
Thank you for any ideas!!

Great idea for a thread ! This will help cut down the amount of time spent searching this forum - especially if i can find this thread when I need it.
I am newly licensed and this is my first post. I have been reading posts on this forum for the last couple of months. and I have learned the most from emptyeternity (FE gold-amazing compilation) and bbowman.

One of his posts last year has helped me stay in this business and ,as oddly as it may sound, has helped with some tension between my wife and I. It was about setting up a separate account for commissions and paying yourself a weekly salary. It may sound elementary to some, but I had all my commissions going into our main checking account because I simply didn't know any better. With lots of ups and downs from week to week, doing this made my pay more consistent. The wife is happier and there's less pressure on me.

And if Momma ain't happy....nobody's happy.
Jeff's generosity with actionable marketing information is second to none
Brandon's posts (and site) have taught me more about PLI than I ever got from a carrier.
Thanks to you both,
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One of his posts last year has helped me stay in this business and ,as oddly as it may sound, has helped with some tension between my wife and I.

It was about setting up a separate account for commissions and paying yourself a weekly salary. It may sound elementary to some, but I had all my commissions going into our main checking account because I simply didn't know any better.

With lots of ups and downs from week to week, doing this made my pay more consistent. The wife is happier and there's less pressure on me.

Heck the seperate account is a good idea just to keep the money out of your wifes hands anyways.