If You Could See a Collection of Best Posts by a Member, Who Would You Choose?

I have little projects for the forums in the background, and one thing I was toying with would be to pick a few members and pick out their best posts.

I know there are certain members here who I would choose;
Full Throttle: Prospecting and Life
Scagnt: Retirement Planning and Life
DHK: All around Financial Planning and Life
JD (I don't like him but I cant deny his helpful posts on the forums) Final Expense

If you could see the Best posts from a member, who would they be and why?

Just curious.
Thank you for any ideas!!
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Thank you for the compliment.

BNTRS... but I subscribe to his newsletter, so I get his best stuff already. :)
Larry Tew - advanced use of life insurance, referrals/introductions
Full Throttle - prospecting
scagent83 - life insurance case design