If You Think Your Clients Understand Open Enrollment

You may be mistaken. I had a lady call me yesterday, to let me know that she hadn't paid her premium in over 3 months, and to catch it up, she would have to pay a lot all at once. She then proceeded to let me know that she would like to change carriers and get a new policy, as they didn't have anything pressing at the moment medically speaking.

Now get this: her husband is a heart patient with stents, he had a bout of cancer in the last year, and he is on several meds. I crossed my fingers and told her to call the carrier and see if they would re-instate the policy. They told her she had 24 hours to pay 4 months of premium and they would re-instate. She did and thanked me. Fortunately for her they have enough money to shake a small bank. The thing that gets me is after all of our discussions, she still didn't know that applications are time sensitive.