If You Want To Sell Life & Health Insurance

I hear those corn fields have a few weeds in them.

I have gotten Shine, Wine and Ammo also meats of all kind Venison, Lamb and Salmon. Back in the day even a few dates (waaay back)

This business can be a kick in the ass at times. I miss getting out to appointments, so I am doing more meet and greets this year.

Do any of you except a beer or a glass of Red in a home?

Going on appointments is the most enjoyable part of this job. I miss it as well and do it as often as I have time. Selling over the phone just ain't the same.

Depends on the time of day. I have had both beer and wine with new clients. I've even been offered "shine", he said it was "well aged", about two weeks. A cold one at the end of the day is almost as good as writing an app.

I had one guy who didn't buy offer me a beer. We had a couple and I called him back about two weeks later. Went back, wrote the app and this time I brought the beer.
The most frequent comment I get is, "Thank you for explaining it so I can understand it. No one has ever taken the time to do that before", as they are signing the check. :)

Done properly it is almost like having a license to steal.

When I was selling mostly MA plans I got that all the time, "no one has ever explained to me like that".

Same when I sell med sups. I do what I call a "medicare 101" with the client. No matter how long they have been on medicare they always say that no one has shown them how things work.

My FE presentation is also about educating the client. I can't even count the number of times I've been told, "I've heard about term, universal and whole life all my life and never knew what the difference was, thank you!".

Nor can I remember the last time I wasn't thanked by the client as I was leaving the house.

Of course some of those people that thank you won't take a call from you in a week.:D